Acronym | Definition |
IGC➣Institute for Global Communications |
IGC➣Instant Game Collection |
IGC➣Intergovernmental Conference (EU) |
IGC➣Intergovernmental Committee (World Intellectual Property Organization; Switzerland) |
IGC➣International Graduate Center (various organizations) |
IGC➣Interactive Gaming Council |
IGC➣Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência (Portugal) |
IGC➣International Group of Companies |
IGC➣Integrated Graphic Chipset |
IGC➣Instantaneous Gear Change |
IGC➣International Geological Congress |
IGC➣International Grains Council |
IGC➣Iraqi Governing Council |
IGC➣Instituto de Geociencias (University of Panama) |
IGC➣In-Game Currency (online gaming) |
IGC➣Independent Garden Center |
IGC➣International Gliding Commission |
IGC➣Indiana Government Center |
IGC➣Indiana Gaming Commission |
IGC➣Integrated Governance Committee (UK) |
IGC➣Intergranular Corrosion |
IGC➣Integrated Graphics Controller |
IGC➣Incremental Garbage Collector (computer memory management) |
IGC➣Infosphere Governance Catalog (software: IBM) |
IGC➣International Gas Code |
IGC➣International Gravity Commission |
IGC➣Integrated Global Concepts, Inc. (fax service provider) |
IGC➣Intelligent Graphics Controller |
IGC➣International Geophysical Conference |
IGC➣Indie Game Con (website) |
IGC➣Illini Glider Club (Monticello, Il) |
IGC➣Inspirational Gift Company (Tuscaloosa, AL) |
IGC➣International Geographic Congress |
IGC➣Imagery & Geospatial Community |
IGC➣Interstate General Corporation |
IGC➣International Glass Center |
IGC➣Indian Gaming Center |
IGC➣Initial Guidance Contract |
IGC➣Imagen Generada por Computadora |
IGC➣IDE/GTN (Integrated Development Environment/Global Transportation Network) Convergence (Joint USTRANSCOM and DLA Program) |
IGC➣Intergalactic Communicator (Tremors; TV show) |