Halperin, Moshe Leib

Halperin, Moshe Leib


Born 1886 in Złoczew, in present-day L’vov Oblast; died 1932 in New York. Yiddish poet.

Halperin emigrated to the USA in 1908, where he worked as a waiter and as an ironer in a laundry. His works were published in democratic Jewish newspapers and journals. He became well-known through his first volume of poems, In New York (1919). Halperin’s creativity flowered at the time he was a contributor (from 1921) to the Communist newspaper Freiheit. His poetry, collected in The Golden Peacock (1924), contains civic motifs and describes the tragic position of the toiling masses in a capitalistic town.


Verk in tsvei bender. New York, 1934. (In Yiddish.)