

单词 initiation



I0145200 (ĭ-nĭsh′ē-ā′shən)n.1. a. The act or process of initiating something.b. The process of being initiated.c. The condition of being initiated.2. A ceremony, ritual, test, or period of instruction with which a new member is admitted to an organization or office or to knowledge.


(ɪˌnɪʃɪˈeɪʃən) n1. the act of initiating or the condition of being initiated2. the often secret ceremony initiating new members into an organization


(ɪˌnɪʃ iˈeɪ ʃən)

n. 1. formal admission into an organization or group. 2. the ceremonies or rites of admission. 3. the act of initiating. 4. the fact of being initiated. [1575–85; < Latin]


1. The action of a device used as the first element of an explosive train which, upon receipt of the proper impulse, causes the detonation or burning of an explosive item.
2. (nuclear) The action which sets off a chain reaction in a fissile mass which has reached the critical state (generally by the emission of a "spurt" of neutrons).



(See also BEGINNINGS.)

baptism of fire An extremely trying initial experience; a first encounter which tests one to the utmost. The phrase applies literally to the first time a soldier faces battle fire, but even that usage was originally figurative. The expression has its origin in the early Christian belief that an as yet unbaptized believer who suffered martyrdom by fire was thereby baptized, i.e., received into the community of the faithful and consequently saved. A synonymous term for other kinds of martyrdom is baptism of blood. Conventional baptism is called baptism of water.

break the ice To initiate a conversation or make a friendly overture; to overcome existing obstacles, prepare the way; begin, dive in, get started. In the late 16th century, break the ice meant literally to facilitate a ship’s passage by breaking the ice. Soon after, it was used figuratively in regard to any efforts made to begin a new project or to upset the status quo of a stalemate, deadlock, impasse or such. In modern figurative use, break the ice is heard mostly in the context of interpersonal relationships. Any attempt to cut through another person’s reserve is considered “breaking the ice.”

I availed myself of a pause in the conversation to break the ice in relation to the topic which lay nearest my heart. (Henry Rogers, The Eclipse of Faith, 1853)

get one’s feet wet To get a start in or begin something new; to get one’s first taste of, to get the feel of. The allusion is probably to the way a bather tests the water by putting his toes or feet in before committing himself to total immersion.

get the ball rolling To initiate or begin; to assume active leadership of a project, event, or other matter; to set an activity in motion. This expression probably originated in the ancient British game of bandy, a hockeylike sport in which players kept a ball in constant motion as they attempted to score points by getting it in the goal of the opponent. A variation is start the ball rolling.

A related expression, keep the ball rolling, is probably also derived from bandy. It means to continue or to spark renewed interest and enthusiasm in an activity or project already underway. One source credits the popularity of this expression to the 1840 presidential campaign of William Henry Harrison whose followers wrote political slogans on a huge paper ball and then pushed it from city to city shouting, “Keep the ball rolling.”

get under way To get started, begin moving. This is borrowed from an old nautical idiom under way ‘in forward motion.’

pave the way See PREPARATION.

ring up the curtain on To begin or initiate a project, plan, or activity; to start the ball rolling. Originally limited to use in the theater, this expression referred to raising the curtain on cue (usually the ringing of a bell) to mark the start of a performance. Though still used in this theatrical context, ring up the curtain on is often applied figuratively to describe the inauguration of a project or other endeavor.

Before the curtain was rung up on the great spectacular drama of Vaal Krantz … (M. H. Grant, Words by an Eyewitness; The Struggle in Natal, 1901)

A variation is the shortened ring up.

Look sharp below there, gents, … they’re a-going to ring-up. (Charles Dickens, Sketches by Boz, 1837)

See also ring down the curtain on, TERMINATION.

Noun1.initiation - a formal entry into an organization or position or officeinitiation - a formal entry into an organization or position or office; "his initiation into the club"; "he was ordered to report for induction into the army"; "he gave a speech as part of his installation into the hall of fame"induction, installationinaugural, inauguration - the ceremonial induction into a position; "the new president obviously enjoyed his inauguration"ceremonial, ceremonial occasion, ceremony, observance - a formal event performed on a special occasion; "a ceremony commemorating Pearl Harbor"coronation, enthronement, enthronisation, enthronization, investiture - the ceremony of installing a new monarchbar mitzvah - (Judaism) an initiation ceremony marking the 13th birthday of a Jewish boy and signifying the beginning of religious responsibility; "a bar mitzvah is an important social event"bas mitzvah, bat mitzvah, bath mitzvah - (Judaism) an initiation ceremony marking the 12th birthday of a Jewish girl and signifying the beginning of religious responsibility
2.initiation - the act of starting something for the first timeinitiation - the act of starting something for the first time; introducing something new; "she looked forward to her initiation as an adult"; "the foundation of a new scientific society"founding, instauration, origination, innovation, creation, institution, introduction, foundationcommencement, start, beginning - the act of starting something; "he was responsible for the beginning of negotiations"authorship, paternity - the act of initiating a new idea or theory or writing; "the authorship of the theory is disputed"
3.initiation - wisdom as evidenced by the possession of knowledge; "his knowledgeability impressed me"; "his dullness was due to lack of initiation"knowledgeability, knowledgeablenesswisdom, wiseness - the trait of utilizing knowledge and experience with common sense and insight
4.initiation - an act that sets in motion some course of eventsinitiation - an act that sets in motion some course of eventstrigger, inductioncausation, causing - the act of causing something to happeninstigation, fomentation - deliberate and intentional triggering (of trouble or discord)


noun1. introduction, installation, inauguration, inception, commencement They announced the initiation of a rural development programme.2. entrance, debut, introduction, admission, inauguration, induction, inception, enrolment, investiture, baptism of fire, instatement This was my initiation into the peace movement.


noun1. The act or process of bringing or being brought into existence:beginning, commencement, inauguration, inception, incipience, incipiency, launch, leadoff, opening, origination, start.Informal: kickoff.2. The act or process of formally admitting a person to membership or office:inaugural, inauguration, induction, installation, instatement, investiture.


(iˈniʃəl) adjective of, or at, the beginning. There were difficulties during the initial stages of building the house. 最初的 最初的 noun the letter that begins a word, especially a name. The picture was signed with the initials JJB, standing for John James Brown. 字首字母(尤指姓名) 首字母,词首大写字母 verbpast tense, past participle iˈnitialled to mark or sign with initials of one's name. Any alteration on a cheque should be initialled. 用名字的字首字母標示或簽名 用姓名的首字母作标记(或签名)于… iˈnitially adverb at the beginning; at first. This project will cost a lot of money initially but will eventually make a profit. 最初 最初iˈnitiate (-ʃieit) verb1. to start (eg a plan, scheme, changes, reforms etc). He initiated a scheme for helping old people with their shopping. 開始 开始2. to take (a person) into a society etc, especially with secret ceremonies. No-one who had been initiated into the society ever revealed the details of the ceremony. 接受加入(尤指透過秘密儀式) 接纳新成员,让…加入 iˈnitiate (-ʃiət) noun a person who has been initiated (into a society etc). 新加入者 新入会的人iˌnitiˈation (-ʃiˈei-) noun the act of initiating or process of being initiated. 開始,實施的過程 开始,实施的过程 iˈnitiative (-ʃətiv) noun1. a first step or move that leads the way. He took the initiative in organizing a search party to look for the girl; A move to start peace talks is sometimes called a peace initiative. 第一步 创始,第一步 2. the ability to lead or make decisions for oneself. He is quite good at his job, but lacks initiative; My son actually went to the hairdresser's on his own initiative! 主動 主动



the transition and attendant ceremonies, such as ordeals and rites, involved in passing from one state or status to another, often from childhood to adulthood. It was among the most important social institutions of early humans. The ordeal measures the initiate's worthiness to enter the new status. Initiation may mean the cessation of contact with those who have not been initiated. Seclusion, mutilation, symbolic representation of death and resurrection, the display of sacred objects, special instruction, and restrictions on the initiate are frequent attributes of the ceremonies. Many early societies had puberty initiations. Their purpose was to induct the young person both into the full status of an adult and into the religion of the group.


(religion, spiritualism, and occult)

Different traditions of Wicca have different forms of initiation, but all contain the same basic ingredients: a challenge, an oath of secrecy, the imparting of certain knowledge, and a symbolical death followed by a rebirth.

Mircea Eliade says, "The term initiation in the most general sense denotes a body of rites and oral teachings whose purpose is to produce a decisive alteration in the religious and social status of the person being initiated." He goes on to say that the initiate emerges from the experience "endowed with a totally different being from that which he possessed before his initiation; he has become another."

Certainly the central theme of all initiations (and puberty rites) from around the globe involves palingenesis—a death and rebirth. To show this rebirth, an initiate will take a new name, which is usually one of his or her own choosing. For example, a newly elected Roman Catholic pope selects a new name. Nuns also choose new names when they take their vows. In many religions, a new name is taken when a person formally enters that faith.

Like the old religions of ancient Greece and Rome, the Craft is what would be termed a "mystery religion"—it is a religion of initiation, with an oath of secrecy. You cannot be born a Witch, just as you cannot be born a Roman Catholic. You can be born into a Witch family, but you do not actually become a Witch until you have been officially accepted into the religion with due ceremony. Where the Old Religion differs from the New, however, is in the fact that, as an alternative to a coven initiation, an individual can initiate him or herself (Self Initiation), becoming what is known as a Solitary Witch.

Gerald Gardner, in Witchcraft Today, deals extensively with the Villa of Mysteries on the Street of Tombs in Pompeii, Italy, which was the home of the Dionysian Mysteries. Within the villa, the walls of an initiation room are painted with a series of frescoes showing a neophyte passing through the initiation. Gardner points out the similarities between these scenes and the stages of the Wiccan initiation.

First, there is a challenge, which ensures that the would-be Witch is sincere in his or her desire to become a part of the Old Religion. As in many such rituals, the initiate is then blindfolded and bound. This symbolizes the darkness and restriction of the womb prior to birth. As is the case in many other similar rites, a ritual, cathartic scourging is then performed, which represents the symbolic death. An oath to preserve the secrets of the Craft is taken, and then, at the rebirth, the cords and blindfold are removed and certain knowledge is imparted. The ceremony ends with a celebration of the person's entry into a new life.

Initiations are performed male to female and female to male. In other words, a male will be initiated by a Priestess, and a female by a Priest. The same format is found in many areas of folk magic, where herbal and magical lore are never passed to a person of the same sex. The only exception is that a mother can initiate her daughter, and father his son; no other female-to-female or male-to-male ceremonies are allowed.

Only adults are permitted to undergo initiation. A child can be taken into a coven, although he or she must be the child of a couple that already belongs to the group. Today, no one under the legal age is admitted unless he or she is related in that manner.

Margaret Alice Murray addressed the admission ceremonies at the time of the persecutions. According to her researtch, one of the requirements of the candidate was "the explicit denial and rejection of a previous religion." The evidence at some of the trials said that, in addition to verbally rejecting the former religion, an action was also required, such as trampling a cross underfoot. Both of these acts were probably required at that time to ensure that the applicant was a true Pagan and not a spy of the Church, since such declaration and defilement of the Christian symbol would have been considered a mortal sin. To an Old Religion follower, the cross held no special significance, and therefore its trampling was of no consequence. Such denials and tramplings are not a part of Witchcraft today, and they were only included in the Middle Ages for the reasons stated.

Murray also speaks of a Witch's Mark, or Devil's Mark, and suggests it might have been in the form of a small tattoo. Again, this may well have been the practice at that time to separate the true believers from the spies. To have such a mark would mean risking one's life, as discovery of the symbol would inevitably lead to the gallows or the pyre. Few spies were willing to take such as risk.



the excitation of a chain chemical or nuclear reaction as a result of an external influence on the system (such as an impact, light, ionizing radiation, or a neutron flux). In technology initiation is understood to mean, in particular, the excitation of detonation of an explosive by exploding a small portion of a detonating powder that is sensitive to a spark or impact. The charge of detonating powder is placed in the case of a priming cap or electrical detonator. Modern industrial coarse explosives (such as igdanit, granulites, and grain granu-lites) and water explosives (akvatol and ifzanit) are not susceptible to the detonating action (impulse) of a conventional priming cap; a relay detonator (such as an ammonite cartridge or a TNT charge) that is sensitive to the priming cap and increases the energy of the detonating impulse is used to detonate such explosives.



a system of rituals widespread in clan society connected with the passage of adolescent boys and girls into adulthood. The various rituals were aimed at preparing the young for work and social and family life and were accompanied, as a rule, by training; various, frequently agonizing, trials; surgery (circumcision, cicatrization, knocking out of teeth); and introduction into the secrets and myths of the tribe. After the original meaning was lost, some of the initiation rites were extended to still younger individuals. The practice of circumcision in Islam and Judaism, Christian baptism, and the investing of the sacred thread in Hinduism are vestiges of initiation.

What does it mean when you dream about an initiation?

A dream about an initiation ceremony can mean that a change is taking place in the dreamer’s life. The dreamer may be evolving to a new level spiritually. Such a dream can also indicate that one is moving into a new career or advancing in status in some other area.

What does it mean when you dream about an initiation?

Initiation in the most general, anthropological sense refers to a rite in which the initiate undergoes a transformation in religious or social status.

The imparting of specific knowledge to the initiate, whether social or religious, is often a significant part of initiation. When initiation involves the acquisition of religious knowledge, such knowledge can be acquired, in whole or in part, through dreams. In Siberia, shamans, the religious specialists of traditional (particularly hunter-gatherer) societies, frequently experience initiatory dreams at the beginning of their vocations. These dreams often include the theme of initiatory death, in which the shaman is dismembered and then reconstructed in renewed form.

Within the Islamic Sufi tradition, many Sufi mystics began their spiritual quest as a result of guides who appeared to them in dreams. In the training of healers among the Diegueno Indians the healer-to-be undergoes a series of initiatory dreams, culminating in a dream in which he learns his secret medicine name. Roughly similar patterns of dream initiation are found among aboriginal Australians (e.g., the Arunta) and in a variety of Native American societies (e.g., the Ojibwa, Iroquois, and Mohave).


[i‚nish·ē′ā·shən] (ordnance) As applied to an explosive item, the beginning of the deflagration or detonation of the explosive. The first action in a fuse which occurs as a direct result of the action of the functioning medium. In a time fuse, the starting of the action which is terminated in the functioning of the fused munition.



(in-i'shē-ā'shŭn), 1. The first stage of tumor induction by a carcinogen; subtle alteration of cells by exposure to a carcinogenic agent so that they are likely to form a tumor on subsequent exposure to a promoting agent (that is, promotion). 2. Starting point of replication or translation in macromolecule biosynthesis. 3. Start of chemical or enzymatic reaction. 4. The first step in a chain reaction.


(i-nish'ē-ā'shŭn) 1. The first stage of tumor induction by a carcinogen; subtle alteration of cells by exposure to a carcinogenic agent so that they are likely to form a tumor on subsequent exposure to a promoting agent (promotion). 2. Starting point of replication or translation in macromolecule biosynthesis. 3. Start of chemical or enzymatic reaction.

Patient discussion about initiation

Q. Hello Guys !!! Good to have everyone here .. i am glad someone took the initiative and came with this very important community ... that so many people need and wishes !!! now for my question ... how common is the Bipolar ? i mean is it common as ADHD or Depression by the medical term ? A. Thanks, I will bookmark that site.

Q. I have been treated for Bipolar Disorder. I wish to know is there any connection between Depression & Bipolar Hi! I’m Devontae. I was initially treated for depression but now I have been treated for Bipolar Disorder. I wish to know is there any connection between Depression and Bipolar Disorder or the worst state of depression is Bipolar Disorder???A. There seems to be some misunderstanding on the definition of depression. The overall category here is Mood Disorder. Within the spectrum of Mood Disorders are the conditions of 1. Anxiety (such as panic disorder and generalized anxiety disorder) and 2. Depression. Just as anxiety is broken down into more specific disorders according to symtomology, etc. Depression is broken down into Unipolar depressions, and bipolar depressions. Unipolar depression has a spectrum of labels branching from it, and bipolar can be broken down into the divisions of Bipolar I and Bipolar II disorders. The only differences between Unipolar and Bipolar depression are that bipolar is characterized by cycling moods and depression is generally more stable. Also the psychotropic drug treatments are different for unipolar and bipolar disorders. Depressed people need pick-me-ups called SSRI's, or MAOI's such as zoloft, while bipolar people need mood stabilizers (e.g. Lithium) and anticonvulsants (often the exact sa

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Related to initiation: Initiation ceremony
  • noun

Synonyms for initiation

noun introduction


  • introduction
  • installation
  • inauguration
  • inception
  • commencement

noun entrance


  • entrance
  • debut
  • introduction
  • admission
  • inauguration
  • induction
  • inception
  • enrolment
  • investiture
  • baptism of fire
  • instatement

Synonyms for initiation

noun the act or process of bringing or being brought into existence


  • beginning
  • commencement
  • inauguration
  • inception
  • incipience
  • incipiency
  • launch
  • leadoff
  • opening
  • origination
  • start
  • kickoff

noun the act or process of formally admitting a person to membership or office


  • inaugural
  • inauguration
  • induction
  • installation
  • instatement
  • investiture

Synonyms for initiation

noun a formal entry into an organization or position or office


  • induction
  • installation

Related Words

  • inaugural
  • inauguration
  • ceremonial
  • ceremonial occasion
  • ceremony
  • observance
  • coronation
  • enthronement
  • enthronisation
  • enthronization
  • investiture
  • bar mitzvah
  • bas mitzvah
  • bat mitzvah
  • bath mitzvah

noun the act of starting something for the first time


  • founding
  • instauration
  • origination
  • innovation
  • creation
  • institution
  • introduction
  • foundation

Related Words

  • commencement
  • start
  • beginning
  • authorship
  • paternity

noun wisdom as evidenced by the possession of knowledge


  • knowledgeability
  • knowledgeableness

Related Words

  • wisdom
  • wiseness

noun an act that sets in motion some course of events


  • trigger
  • induction

Related Words

  • causation
  • causing
  • instigation
  • fomentation




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