inferior cervical ganglion

in·fe·ri·or cer·vi·cal gan·gli·on

[TA] the most inferior of the three paravertebral ganglia of the cervical portion of the sympathetic trunk, occurring at the C7 vertebral level. Most commonly, it is fused to the first thoracic sympathetic ganglion to form a cervicothoracic (stellate) ganglion. Synonym(s): ganglion cervicale inferius [TA]

inferior cervical ganglion

The lowest (most caudal) of the cervical ganglia. It is adjacent to vertebra C7 or T1. Postganglionic sympathetic axons from the inferior cervical ganglion join spinal nerves C7–T1 and the pulmonary nerves. See: stellate ganglionSee also: ganglion