interradicular alveoloplasty

in·ter·ra·dic·u·lar al·ve·o·lo·plas·ty

, intraseptal alveoloplastyremoval of the interradicular bone and collapsing of the cortical plates to a more desirable alveolar contour.

interradicular alveoloplasty

(ĭn′tər-rə-dĭk′yə-lər)n. Surgical removal of bone and collapse of the cortical plates to modify the alveolar contour.

in·ter·ra·dic·u·lar al·ve·o·lo·plas·ty

, intraseptal alveoloplasty (intĕr-ră-dikyū-lăr al-vēō-lō-plastē, intră-septăl) Removal of interradicular bone and collapsing of cortical plates to a more desirable alveolar contour.