Kalomiris, Manolis

Kalomiris, Manolis


Born Dec. 14 (26), 1883, in Smyrna; died Apr. 3, 1962, in Athens. Greek composer. Member of the Athenian Academy of Sciences (1945).

Kalomiris studied in Athens and Constantinople, and during 1901–06 he completed his advanced studies at the Vienna Conservatory. From 1906 to 1910 he taught at the Kharkov School of Music (his first major work, Greek Suite for orchestra, was composed in Russia). In 1911, Kalomiris began teaching at the Hellenic Conservatory in Athens (he was director during 1919–26). In 1926 he founded the National Conservatory in Athens and was its director until the end of his life. From 1935 to 1957 he was chairman of the Union of Greek Composers. Kalomiris was one of the founders of the modern Greek school of music; his opera The Master Builder (1915) formed the basis for Greek operatic art. Kalomiris composed operas, symphonic works, chamber instrumental pieces, and songs. His music is permeated with Greek folk melodies.

Kalomiris also published music criticism, a textbook on music theory, and his autobiography (1946).


Manolis Kalomiris. Athens, 1932.