intracoronary stenting
intracoronary stenting
Coronary stenting Cardiology A treatment for vessel closure after percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty which ↓ the rate of restenosis, in which a cylindrical stent is placed within vessel(s) that are stenosed by atheroscerotic lesions Complications Thrombotic occlusion of stent, hemorrhage and peripheral vascular complications due to intensive anticoagulationper·cu·ta·ne·ous co·ro·nar·y in·ter·ven·tion
(PCI) (pĕr'kyū-tā'nē-ŭs kōr'ŏ-nar'ē in'tĕr-ven'shŭn)Synonym(s): intracoronary stenting.