intracoronary stenting

intracoronary stenting

Coronary stenting Cardiology A treatment for vessel closure after percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty which ↓ the rate of restenosis, in which a cylindrical stent is placed within vessel(s) that are stenosed by atheroscerotic lesions Complications Thrombotic occlusion of stent, hemorrhage and peripheral vascular complications due to intensive anticoagulation

per·cu·ta·ne·ous co·ro·nar·y in·ter·ven·tion

(PCI) (pĕr'kyū-tā'nē-ŭs kōr'ŏ-nar'ē in'tĕr-ven'shŭn) The treatment modality used during cardiac catheterization to reduce or remove occlusion within the coronary arteries and increase perfusion to the myocardium. PCIs include atherectomy, brachytherapy, stent implantation, angioplasty, and laser revascularization.
Synonym(s): intracoronary stenting.