

(ad-res'in), A molecule on the surface of a cell that serves as a homing device to direct another molecule to a specific location. [address, fr. O.Fr. adresser, to direct, fr. L.L. addirectiare, fr. L. ad, to, + directus, straight, direct, + -in]


A protein encoded by MADCAM1 on chromosome 19p13.3, which is a member of the immunoglobulin family and similar to ICAM1 and VCAM1. It is an endothelial cell-adhesion molecule which interacts preferentially with the leukocytes beta7 integrin LPAM-1, L-selectin and VLA-4 on myeloid cells, directing leukocytes into mucosal and inflamed tissues.


(ă-dres'in) A molecule on the surface of a cell that serves as a homing device to direct another molecule to a specific location. [address, fr. O.Fr. adresser, to direct, fr. L.L. addirectiare, fr. L. ad, to, + directus, straight, direct, + -in]