Keilin, David

Keilin, David


Born Mar. 21 (Apr. 2), 1881, in Moscow; died Feb. 27, 1963, in Cambridge. British biochemist. Fellow of the Royal Society of London (1926).

Keilin graduated from Magdalene College at Cambridge and defended his dissertation at the Sorbonne. From 1921 he worked at the Molteno Institute of Animal Parasitology of Cambridge University, becoming its director in 1931. Keilin’s principal works were devoted to the study of the role of cytochromes in biological oxidation (he discovered their role). His works also dealt with a number of specific problems, such as the biochemistry of the basal metabolism of dipterous insects.


The History of Cell Respiration and Cytochrome. Cambridge, 1966.


Krivobokova, S. S. Biologicheskoe okislenie. Moscow, 1971.