Ion Budai-Deleanu
Budai-Deleanu, Ion
Born circa 1760 in Cigmău, Transylvania; died Aug. 24, 1820, in L’vov. Rumanian poet.
The writings of Budai-Deleanu are associated with the so-called Latin or Transylvanian school, which in its initial period of development expressed the striving of Rumanians for national self-determination within the confines of the Austrian empire. In 1875-76 the journal Buciumul Român published his chief work, the heroico-comico-satirical narrative poem Gypsiad, the main idea of which is the equality of all people regardless of origin.
Ţiganiada, 2nd ed., vols. 1-2. [Bucharest, 1958.] (With a study by P. Cornea.)In Russian translation:
“Tsyganiada” (excerpt), in Antologiia rumynskoi poezii. Moscow, 1958.
Protopopescu, L. Noi contribuţii la biografia lui I. Budai-Deleanu: Documente inedite. Bucharest, 1967.IU. A. KOZHEVNIKOV