释义 |
isoelectric electroencephalogram e·lec·tro·ce·re·bral si·lence (ECS), (ē-lek'trō-sĕ-rē'brăl sī'lens), Flat or isoelectric encephalogram; an electroencephalogram with absence of cerebral activity over 2 mcv from symmetrically placed electrode pairs 10 (or more) cm apart, and with interelectrode resistance between 100-10,000 ohms; if such a record is present for 30 minutes in a clinically brain dead adult and if drug intoxication, hypothermia, and recent hypotension have been excluded, the diagnosis of cerebral death is supported. Synonym(s): electrocerebral inactivity, flat electroencephalogram, isoelectric electroencephalogramAn EEG without cerebral activity over 2 µv from symmetrically placed electrode pairs > 10 cm apart, and with interelectrode resistance between 100 and 10,000 ohms; if present for 30 minutes in a clinically brain dead adult—and if drug intoxication, hypothermia, and recent hypotension have been excluded—the diagnosis of cerebral death is supported |