释义 |
isohemolysis[¦ī·sō·hə′mäl·ə·səs] (immunology) Hemolysis induced by the action of an isohemolysin. isohemolysis
isohemolysis [i″so-he-mol´ĭ-sis] hemolysis produced by isohemolysin. adj., adj isohemolyt´ic.i·so·he·mol·y·sis (ī'sō-hē-mol'i-sis), A form of isolysis in which there is dissolution of red blood cells as a result of the reaction between an isolysin (isohemolysin) and specific antigen in or on the cells. [iso- + G. haima, blood, + lysis, dissolution] i·so·he·mol·y·sis (ī'sō-hē-mol'i-sis) Dissolution of red blood cells as a result of the reaction between an isolysin (isohemolysin) and specific antigen in or on the cells. Synonym(s): isohaemolysis. [iso- + G. haima, blood, + lysis, dissolution] |