Nitsch, Kazimierz

Nitsch, Kazimierz


Born Feb. 1, 1874, in Kraków; died there Sept. 26, 1958. Polish Slavicist. Member of the Polish Academy of Sciences (1911).

In 1898, Nitsch graduated from the University of Kraków (Jagellonian University). From 1910 to 1917 he was a professor at the University of Kraków, and from 1917 to 1920 at the University of Lwów (now L’vov). He was a professor at the University of Kraków from 1920 to 1939 and from 1947 to 1952. From 1946 to 1952 he served as president of the Polish Academy of Sciences; in 1952 he became the academy’s vice-president.

Nitsch was one of the founders of the Kraków school of linguists. His principal interests included the history of the Polish language, dialectology, lexicography, onomastics, and ethnology. Nitsch was the editor of the Little Atlas of Polish Dialects (vols. 1–2, 1957–59). He was a founder of the Society of Lovers of the Polish Language (1920) and the Polish Linguistic Society (1925). Nitsch was a corresponding member of the academies of sciences of many foreign countries, including the USSR (from 1947).


Dialekty języka polskiego, 3rd ed. Wroclaw-Kraków, 1957.
Wybór pism polonistycznych, vols. 1–4. Wrocław-Kraków, 1954–58.
Ze wspomnień językoznawcy. Kraków, 1960.


Język polski, 1959, no. 2.
Stieber, Z. In Portraits of Linguists, vol. 2. Bloomington-London, 1966. Pages 359–64.