

单词 order ericales

order Ericales

Noun1.order Ericales - Ericaceae; Clethraceae; Diapensiaceae; Epacridaceae; Lennoaceae; Pyrolaceae; MonotropaceaeEricalesplant order - the order of plantsEricaceae, family Ericaceae, heath family - heathersClethraceae, family Clethraceae, white-alder family - coextensive with the genus Clethradiapensia family, Diapensiaceae, family Diapensiaceae - north temperate low evergreen plants; in some classifications placed in its own order DiapensialesEpacridaceae, epacris family, family Epacridaceae - Australasian shrubs or small treesfamily Lennoaceae, Lennoaceae - family of fleshy parasitic herbs lacking green foliage and having heads of small flowers; California and Mexicofamily Pyrolaceae, Pyrolaceae, wintergreen family - evergreen herbs of temperate regions: genera Pyrola, Chimaphila, Moneses, Orthiliafamily Monotropaceae, Monotropaceae - used in some classification for saprophytic herbs sometimes included in the family Pyrolaceae: genera Monotropa and SarcodesDilleniidae, subclass Dilleniidae - a group of families of more or less advanced trees and shrubs and herbs having either polypetalous or gamopetalous corollas and often with ovules attached to the walls of the ovary; contains 69 families including Ericaceae and Cruciferae and Malvaceae; sometimes classified as a superorder

order Ericales

Related to order Ericales: Vaccinium, Ebenaceae, Sapotaceae, Fabales, Asterids
  • noun

Synonyms for order Ericales

noun Ericaceae


  • Ericales

Related Words

  • plant order
  • Ericaceae
  • family Ericaceae
  • heath family
  • Clethraceae
  • family Clethraceae
  • white-alder family
  • diapensia family
  • Diapensiaceae
  • family Diapensiaceae
  • Epacridaceae
  • epacris family
  • family Epacridaceae
  • family Lennoaceae
  • Lennoaceae
  • family Pyrolaceae
  • Pyrolaceae
  • wintergreen family
  • family Monotropaceae
  • Monotropaceae
  • Dilleniidae
  • subclass Dilleniidae




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