Organizational-Technical Measures Plan
Organizational-Technical Measures Plan
(orgtekhplan), a component of the technical, industrial, and financial plan (tekhpromfinplan) of an enterprise or an industrial association. The orgtekhplan specifies improvements to be made in the technology and organization of production. It includes a list of measures aimed at the mechanization and automation of production, the introduction of progressive technical processes, and increased efficiency through improvements in the organization of labor and production.
The content and structure of the orgtekhplan reflect the specific features of the various sectors of industry. The orgtekhplan has provisions for each production section and shop and for the enterprise or production association as a whole. In the case of a section or shop, the orgtekhplan provides for measures geared to that particular production unit, while the orgtekhplan of the enterprise or association includes large-scale measures that demand significant outlays of materials and labor and that are to be executed at the level of the whole enterprise or association. Industrial associations form special departments to plan for mechanization and the use of nonstandard equipment, for concentration of production of the same type, and for increased specialization. Some industrial associations may set up their own facilities for manufacturing the equipment needed to carry out measures specified by the plan.
The concrete assignments for each unit of the enterprise are laid out according to what the unit requires to fulfill its plan assignments; paramount consideration is given to measures that ensure evenness in the flow of production and more complete use of production capacities.
Development of the orgtekhplan begins with an economic analysis of the initial level of production and is carried on in conformity with the goals for improving production during the plan period. Deadlines and the persons responsible for meeting them are specified for each measure included in the plan. Sources of operating capital are identified; these funds may be drawn from the enterprise’s own resources or they may be borrowed. Other factors covered by the plan include material resource requirements, projected increases in efficiency, and payoff periods.
The orgtekhplan is closely coordinated with other sections of the enterprise’s or association’s tekhpromfinplan. The measures introduced have a direct effect on the magnitude of standards for expenditures of labor and materials and use of equipment and, through these outlays, on the corresponding tekhpromfinplan indexes, such as the indexes of labor intensiveness, personnel and material resource requirements, and the level of use of production capacities.
Workers in the production shops, offices, and functional departments (specialized departments in charge of management, planning, and financing) help to develop the orgtekhplan. Rationalization proposals by enterprise or association employees, innovations adopted as a result of exchanges of experience with related enterprises, and the recommendations of higher-ranking organizations are used in drawing up the plan.