Mean Time To Recovery

Mean Time To Recovery

(specification)(MTTR) The average time that a device willtake to recover from a non-terminal failure. Examples of suchdevices range from self-resetting fuses (where the MTTR wouldbe very short, probably seconds), up to whole systems whichhave to be replaced.

The MTTR would usually be part of a maintenance contract,where the user would pay more for a system whose MTTR was 24hours, than for one of, say, 7 days. This means the supplieris guaranteeing to have the system up and running again within24 hours (or 7 days) of being notified of the failure.

Some devices have a MTTR of zero, which means that they haveredundant components which can take over the instant theprimary one fails, see RAID for example.

See also Mean Time Between Failures.