Malmberg, Vladimir Konstantinovich

Mal’mberg, Vladimir Konstantinovich


Born Dec. 1 (13), 1860, in Moscow; died there Dec. 9, 1921. Russian art historian and archaeologist.

Mal’mberg graduated from the University of Kazan in 1884. Beginning in 1890 he was a professor at the University of Dorpat, and beginning in 1907 at Moscow University. In 1913 he became director of the Moscow Museum of Fine Arts. Mal’mberg is the author of about 70 studies devoted to ancient Greek and Roman architecture, sculpture, painting, ceramics, and toreutics, as well as to Egyptian art. These works reflect an interest in realistic representations and in the iconographic and aesthetic problems of composition combined with a careful systematization of the extensive factual material.


Metopy drevnegrecheskikh khramov. Dorpat, 1892.
Drevnegrecheskie frontonnye kompozitsii. Moscow, 1905.


Sbornik Mosk. ob-va po issledovaniiu pamiatnikov drevnosti. Vol. 2: V chest’ prof. V. K. Mal’mberga. Moscow, 1917.