Osage Village State Historic Site
Osage Village State Historic Site
Location:9 miles east of Nevada on Highway 54 (near Walker), 6 miles north on Highway C, then 3 miles on a gravel road in Vernon County.
Facilities:Self-guiding walking trail, exhibits.
Special Features:This site contains what was once a Big Osage Indian village occupied between 1700 and 1775. Included on the National Register of Historic Places, the site marks the location where the Osage were living when first encountered by Europeans. Pottery, weapons, and tools excavated from the site have provided information about the daily lives of the villagers, who hunted, planted crops, processed hides, and were very successful traders with the Europeans.
Address:c/o Harry S Truman Birthplace State Historic Site
1009 Truman
Lamar, MO 64759
Web: www.mostateparks.com/osagevillage.htm
Size: 100 acres.
See other parks in Missouri.