释义 |
mech·a·nism M0184700 (mĕk′ə-nĭz′əm)n.1. a. A machine or mechanical appliance.b. The arrangement of connected parts in a machine.2. A system of parts that operate or interact like those of a machine: the mechanism of the solar system.3. An instrument or a process, physical or mental, by which something is done or comes into being: "The mechanism of oral learning is largely that of continuous repetition" (T.G.E. Powell).4. A habitual manner of acting to achieve an end.5. Psychology A usually unconscious mental and emotional pattern that shapes behavior in a given situation or environment: a defense mechanism.6. The sequence of steps in a chemical reaction.7. Philosophy The doctrine that all natural phenomena are explicable by material causes and mechanical principles. [New Latin mēchanismus, from Late Latin mēchanisma, from Greek mēkhanē, machine; see mechanic.]mechanism (ˈmɛkəˌnɪzəm) n1. (Mechanical Engineering) a system or structure of moving parts that performs some function, esp in a machine2. something resembling a machine in the arrangement and working of its parts: the mechanism of the ear. 3. (Mechanical Engineering) any form of mechanical device or any part of such a device4. a process or technique, esp of execution: the mechanism of novel writing. 5. (Philosophy) philosophy a. the doctrine that human action can be explained in purely physical terms, whether mechanical or biologicalb. the explanation of phenomena in causal rather than teleological or essentialist termsc. the view that the task of science is to seek such explanationsd. strict determinism. Compare dynamism, vitalism6. (Psychoanalysis) psychoanal a. the ways in which psychological forces interact and operateb. a structure having an influence on the behaviour of a person, such as a defence mechanismmech•an•ism (ˈmɛk əˌnɪz əm) n. 1. an assembly of moving parts performing a complete functional motion. 2. the agency or means by which an effect is produced or a purpose is accomplished. 3. machinery; mechanical appliances. 4. the structure or arrangement of parts of a machine or similar device. 5. routine methods or procedures. 6. the theory that everything in the universe is produced by matter in motion. Compare dynamism (def. 1), vitalism(def. 1). 7. the view that all biological processes may be described in physicochemical terms. 8. a mode of behavior that helps an individual deal with the physical or psychological environment. Compare defense mechanism, escape mechanism. [1655–65; < New Latin mēchanismus a contrivance « Greek mēchan(ḗ) machine + New Latin -ismus, -ism] mech`a•nis′mic, adj. mechanism- mechanical pencil - Pushes graphite out by a mechanism such as a spring or a screw.
- pinwheel - Originally a mechanism in a clock.
- gadget - May come from French gachette, which is or has been applied to various pieces of mechanism, or from Gaget, the person who created the first so-called gadgets—miniature Statues of Liberty sold in Paris—or from a Navy term for a tool or mechanical device for which one could not recall the name.
- rack, pinion - Rack is the linear gear and pinion is the circular gear in a mechanism.
mechanism1. the theory that everything in the universe is produced by matter in process, capable of explanation by the laws of chemistry and physics. 2. the theory that a natural process is machinelike or is explainable in terms of Newtonian mechanics. — mechanist, n. — mechanistic, adj.See also: Philosophy Philosophy. the theory or doctrine that all the phenomena of the universe, especially life, can ultimately be explained in terms of physics and chemistry and that the difference between organic and inorganic lies only in degree. Cf. vitalism. — mechanist, n. — mechanistic, adj.See also: LifeThesaurusNoun | 1. | mechanism - the atomic process that occurs during a chemical reaction; "he determined unique mechanisms for the photochemical reactions"chemical mechanismbiochemical mechanism - a chemical mechanism involved in vital processes occurring in living organismschemical action, chemical change, chemical process - (chemistry) any process determined by the atomic and molecular composition and structure of the substances involved | | 2. | mechanism - the technical aspects of doing something; "a mechanism of social control"; "mechanisms of communication"; "the mechanics of prose style"mechanicscarrying into action, carrying out, execution, performance - the act of performing; of doing something successfully; using knowledge as distinguished from merely possessing it; "they criticised his performance as mayor"; "experience generally improves performance" | | 3. | mechanism - a natural object resembling a machine in structure or function; "the mechanism of the ear"; "the mechanism of infection"natural object - an object occurring naturally; not made by manbarrier - anything serving to maintain separation by obstructing vision or accesstransmission mechanism - any mechanism whereby an infectious agent is spread from a reservoir to a human beingbiological clock - an innate mechanism in living organisms that controls the periodicity of many physiological functions | | 4. | mechanism - (philosophy) the philosophical theory that all phenomena can be explained in terms of physical or biological causesphilosophy - the rational investigation of questions about existence and knowledge and ethicsphilosophical doctrine, philosophical theory - a doctrine accepted by adherents to a philosophy | | 5. | mechanism - device consisting of a piece of machinery; has moving parts that perform some functionaction mechanism, action - the operating part that transmits power to a mechanism; "the piano had a very stiff action"actuator - a mechanism that puts something into automatic actionrobot, automaton, golem - a mechanism that can move automaticallyaxis of rotation, axis - the center around which something rotatescarriage - a machine part that carries something elsecartridge ejector, ejector - a mechanism in a firearm that ejects the empty shell case after firingcartridge extractor, cartridge remover, extractor - a mechanism in a firearm that pulls an empty shell case out of the chamber and passes it to the ejectorclockwork - any mechanism of geared wheels that is driven by a coiled spring; resembles the works of a mechanical clockcontroller, control - a mechanism that controls the operation of a machine; "the speed controller on his turntable was not working properly"; "I turned the controls over to her"cooling, cooling system - a mechanism for keeping something cool; "the cooling was overhead fans"delayed action - a mechanism that automatically delays the release of a camera shutter for a fixed period of time so that the photographer can appear in the picturedevice - an instrumentality invented for a particular purpose; "the device is small enough to wear on your wrist"; "a device intended to conserve water"drive - a mechanism by which force or power is transmitted in a machine; "a variable speed drive permitted operation through a range of speeds"drive line, drive line system - mechanism that transmits power from the engine to the driving wheels of a motor vehiclefail-safe - a mechanism capable of returning to a safe state in case there is a failure or malfunctionfilm advance - a mechanism for advancing film in a camera or projectorgear mechanism, gear - a mechanism for transmitting motion for some specific purpose (as the steering gear of a vehicle)homing device - the mechanism in a guided missile that guides it toward its objectivehydraulic system - a mechanism operated by the resistance offered or the pressure transmitted when a liquid is forced through a small opening or tubeignition system, ignition - the mechanism that ignites the fuel in an internal-combustion enginelock - a mechanism that detonates the charge of a gunmechanical device - mechanism consisting of a device that works on mechanical principlesradiator - a mechanism consisting of a metal honeycomb through which hot fluids circulate; heat is transferred from the fluid through the honeycomb to the airstream that is created either by the motion of the vehicle or by a fanrotating mechanism - a mechanism that rotatessteering linkage - mechanism consisting of a system of rods and levers connected to the front wheels of a motor vehicle; the steering gear pushes it left or right which swivels the front wheels, causing the vehicle to turnsteering mechanism, steering system - a mechanism by which something is steered (especially a motor vehicle)tape drive, tape transport, transport - a mechanism that transports magnetic tape across the read/write heads of a tape playback/recorderwhirler - a revolving mechanismworkings, works - the internal mechanism of a device |
mechanismnoun1. workings, motor, gears, works, action, components, machinery, innards (informal) the locking mechanism2. process, workings, way, means, system, performance, operation, medium, agency, method, functioning, technique, procedure, execution, methodology the clumsy mechanism of price controls3. machine, system, structure, device, tool, instrument, appliance, apparatus, contrivance The heat-producing mechanism will switch itself on automatically.mechanismnounThat by which something is accomplished or some end achieved:agency, agent, instrument, instrumentality, instrumentation, intermediary, mean (used in plural), medium, organ.Translationsmechanic (miˈkӕnik) noun a skilled worker who repairs or maintains machinery. 機械技工 技工,机修工 meˈchanical adjective1. having to do with machines. mechanical engineering. 機械的 机械的2. worked or done by machinery. a mechanical sweeper. 用機械的 用机械的3. done etc without thinking, from force of habit. a mechanical action. 機械似的 机械似的meˈchanically adverb 機械地 机械地meˈchanics noun singular1. the science of the action of forces on objects. He is studying mechanics. 力學 力学2. the art of building machines. He applied his knowledge of mechanics to designing a new wheelchair. 機械學 机械学 noun plural the ways in which something works or is applied. the mechanics of the legal system. 機制 机理ˈmechanism (ˈme-) noun a (usually small) piece of machinery. a watch mechanism. 機械裝置,機制 机械装置,机制,原理 ˈmechanize, ˈmechanise (ˈme-) verb1. to introduce machinery into (an industry etc). We've mechanized the entire process. 機械化 使机械化2. to supply (troops) with motor vehicles. 提供部隊機動車輛 用机械装备ˌmechaniˈzation, ˌmechaniˈsation noun 機械化 机械化mechanism
mechanism, philosophical theory about the nature of organic systems, holding that organisms are machines in the sense that they are material systems. Mechanism seeks to explain biological processes, including behavior, within the framework of classical physics and chemistry. The mechanistic approach has caused great controversy and is considered by its opponents, including vitalists (who contend that living organisms must be explained in terms of a mysterious self-determining principle rather than in physical or chemical terms) as inadequate and oversimplified. Bibliography See A. R. Anderson, Minds and Machines (1964); R. E. Schofield, Mechanism and Materialism (1969). Mechanism a one-sided method of knowledge and a world outlook based on the idea that the mechanical form of motion is the only objective form. The consistent development of this view leads to a rejection of the qualitative diversity of phenomena in nature and society, or to the view that this diversity is merely a subjective illusion. In its broader sense, mechanism is a method of reducing complex phenomena to their simpler components—a method of breaking down the whole into parts that are nonspecific to the given whole (for example, into biological relations, when dealing with social phenomena, and into physicochemical relations, when dealing with biology). Historically, mechanism was the prevailing trend in scientific materialist thought from the 16th century to the 18th, when mechanics was the only developed science to find application in industry, and therefore seemed to be “science in general,” an absolute science that possessed a corresponding absolute method —mathematics, conceived primarily mechanistically. Galileo, I. Newton, and P. S. Laplace (natural science) and T. Hobbes, J. La Mettrie, and P. Holbach (philosophy) may be considered classic representatives of mechanism. Typical representatives in the 19th century were L. Biichner, K. Vogt, J. Moleschott, and E. Diihring. The one-sided mechanistic approach to the knowledge of natural and social phenomena was criticized by B. Spinoza, G. W. Leibniz, and, in part, by D. Diderot. As a conditionally justified method of thinking, it was overcome (“canceled,” aufgehoben) by G. Hegel (who was responsible for the very term “mechanism”) in the dialectical understanding of the problems and nature of thought. While criticizing mechanism, Hegel simultaneously identified its shortcomings with the nature of materialism in general. Hegel “wanted to throw contempt on materialism by the addition ’mechanical.’ Now the materialism criticized by Hegel—the French materialism of the 18th century—was in fact exclusively mechanical” (F. Engels, see K. Marx and F. Engels, Soch., 2nd ed., vol. 20, pp. 568–69). Mechanism is a historical, obsolete stage in the development of materialist philosophy and any attempt to resurrect it under present conditions must be construed as a scientific regression. The possibility of relapses into mechanism exists, since any form of material motion, no matter how complex and developed, contains mechanical motion as one of its aspects. Therefore, not only different but also directly contrary processes and phenomena can be made to agree with the laws of mechanics; it is precisely during such an “agreement” that there takes place the leveling, during which the qualitative uniqueness and contradictoriness of these contrary processes and phenomena are forgotten. With regard to any form of motion other than the purely mechanical, mechanism ultimately leads to the recognition of the fundamental impossibility of gaining knowledge of it. For Galileo, Hobbes, and the French materialists, mechanism did not lead in the slightest degree to agnosticism. But in the 19th century, agnostic views became popular among mechanist natural scientists. According to the principle that without mechanics there can be no science, any knowledge that reveals the nature of supramechanical aspects of motion is declared unscientific. Mechanism advances the concept of special external forces, in which the real aspects, abstracted from motion, are transformed into independently existing mechanical causes of this motion. “In mechanics the causes of motion are taken as given and their origin is disregarded, only their effects being taken into account. Hence, if a cause of motion is termed a force, this does not damage mechanics as such; but it becomes a custom to transfer this term also to physics, chemistry, and biology, and then confusion is inevitable” (ibid., p. 407). The groundlessness of mechanism is manifested with particular clarity in the problems of thought, consciousness, and life. Here mechanism serves as the basis for vitalism, teleology, and idealism. As a philosophical theory, mechanism is a typical example of metaphysical thinking, which is incapable of coping with contradiction. On encountering opposite definitions of an object, mechanism always attempts to remove one of them (for example, quality in favor of quantity), or assumes that only one of them is true, in contrast to the other, which is assumed to be untrue; mechanism may uphold absolute randomness at one time, then absolute necessity at another; at one time discreteness, at another, continuity, and so forth. Mechanism mystifies the very concept of active cause and interprets motion not as the spontaneous motion of matter but as a result of an external force. Therefore, in this view, matter seems to be an inert and stagnant mass. Dialectical materialism established, based on a generalization of scientific data, that mechanical motion is an aspect and an abstract, universal condition of any motion. In higher, supra-mechanical processes it is an accompanying form that is necessary, but far from sufficient, to characterize the nature of these processes. REFERENCESEngels, F. “Dialektika prirody.” In K. Marx and F. Engels, Soch., 2nd ed., vol. 20. Engels, F. Anti-Duhring. Ibid. Hegel, G. W. F. Entsiklopediiafilosofskikh nauk, part 1: “Logika.” Soch., vol. 1. Moscow-Leningrad, 1929. Hegel, G. W. F. “Nauka logiki.” Ibid., vols. 5–6. Moscow, 1937–39. Samuskevich, A. V. “Nekotorye filosofskie voprosy atomistiki i bor’ba protiv mekhanitsizma v sovremennoi fizike.” In Nauchnye trudy po filosofii [Belarus, un-ta], issue 1. Minsk, 1956. Vislobokov, A. D. Marksistskaia dialektika i sovremennyi mekhanitsizm. Moscow, 1962.A. V. POTEMKIN
Mechanism a system of bodies intended to transform the motion of one or several bodies into the required motions of other bodies. Mechanisms are the basis of most machines and are used in many instruments, apparatus, and technical devices. A rigid body that is part of a mechanism is called an element and may consist of one or several rigidly connected parts (the parts are manufactured separately). A combination of two contiguous elements that allows relative motion between the elements is called a kinematic pair. The most widely used kinematic pairs are the rotating pair (rotary joint), sliding pair (the sliding block and guide), screw pair (the screw and nut), and spherical pair (the ball-and-socket joint). If, in addition to rigid bodies (the elements), liquid bodies or gaseous bodies participate in the transformation of motion, then the mechanism is said to be hydraulic or pneumatic, respectively. A functional diagram of a mechanism—on which the data necessary for determining the position of the elements are indicated—is constructed in order to study the motion of the elements of the mechanism. A drawing of the mechanism of an internal-combustion engine and a functional diagram of the mechanism are illustrated in Figure 1. In the functional diagram, the crankshaft and connecting rod are arbitrarily represented as Figure 1. Drawing (a) and functional diagram (b) of the mechanism of an internal-combustion engine: (1) crankshaft, (2) connecting rod, (3) crosshead, (O) support, (ϕ) independent variable, the angle of rotation of the crankshaft
line segments that connect the centers of the joints, the crosshead is in the form of a rectangle, and the support O is in the form of the hatched segment that represents the crosshead guide and a triangle with a joint that has a fixed axis of rotation. In order to determine the position of all movable elements of the mechanism from a functional diagram, one need only know the position of one element. An element whose position is determined for any given instant of time is called an initial element. In the study of a mechanism, the number of initial elements must coincide with the number of degrees of freedom of the mechanism, that is, with the number of independent variables that determine the position of all the elements. The mechanism of an internal-combustion engine has one degree of freedom; the angle ϕ may be used as the independent variable for the mechanism. In a linkwork with two degrees of freedom (Figure 2), the angles (ϕ1 and ϕ2, or ϕ1 and ϕ3, or finally ϕ2 and ϕ3 may be the independent variables. Figure 2. Schematic diagram of a linkwork with two degrees of freedom (with two initial elements)
A mechanism is used when the required motion of bodies cannot be produced directly and the motion must be transformed. For example, the rotor of an electric motor and the bearings in which it rotates do not form a mechanism, since in this case the electrical energy is transformed directly into the required motion without any intermediate transformation of mechanical motion. A mechanism is introduced only when the angular velocity of the drive shaft must be reduced, that is, when a reduction gear is included. The mechanism of an internal-combustion engine transforms the rectilinear motion of the piston into the rotary motion of the crankshaft. A mechanism designed to transmit rotary or rectilinear motion is called a transmission mechanism or a transmission. Depending on the type of the elements employed, a distinction is made among gear drives, leverages, friction drives, chain drives, and belt drives. Other examples of this type of mechanism include hydraulic and pneumatic transmissions. A mechanism used to reproduce the motion of some point along a prescribed trajectory is called a guide mechanism. Mechanisms that reproduce motion in a straight line (rectilinear guide mechanisms) and along the arc of a circle (circular guide mechanisms) are the most widely used guide mechanisms. Mechanisms designed for the complex movement of a rigid body in space or in a plane are called transport mechanisms. In the 1960’s and the early 1970’s, new mechanisms were developed to perform tasks associated with space technology (mechanisms for transmitting rotation in a vacuum, spatial-orientation mechanisms) and medical engineering (artificial organs, prostheses) and to operate in environments that are inaccessible or dangerous to man (underwater, in outer space, inside atomic reactors). Manipulators, which are based on spatial mechanisms with many degrees of freedom, have been used to perform such types of work. The development of manipulators has led to the creation of industrial robots that make it possible to automate the processes of the working, installation, and assembly of manufactured articles. REFERENCESKozhevnikov, S. N., la. I. Esipenko, and la. M. Raskin. Mekhanizmy, 3rd ed. Moscow, 1965. Artobolevskii, 1.1. Mekhanizmy v sovremennoi tekhnike, vols. 1–2. Moscow, 1970–71.I. I. ARTOBOLEVSKII and N. I. LEVITSKII mechanism[′mek·ə‚niz·əm] (chemistry) A detailed description of the course of a chemical reaction as it proceeds from the reactants to the products, with as complete a characterization as possible of the reaction steps and intermediate species. Also known as reaction path. (mechanical engineering) That part of a machine which contains two or more pieces so arranged that the motion of one compels the motion of the others. Mechanism Classically, a mechanical means for the conversion of motion, the transmission of power, or the control of these. Mechanisms are at the core of the workings of many machines and mechanical devices. In modern usage, mechanisms are not always limited to mechanical means. In addition to mechanical elements, they may include pneumatic, hydraulic, electrical, and electronic elements. In this article, the discussion of mechanism is limited to its classical meaning. See Machine Most mechanisms consist of combinations of a relatively small number of basic components. Of these, the most important are cams, gears, links, belts, chains, and logical mechanical elements. The last include such devices as ratchets, trips, detents, and interlocks. In order to understand how any mechanism works, their degree of freedom, structure, and kinematics must be considered. See Cam mechanism, Gear, Linkage (mechanism) Degree of freedom is conveniently illustrated for mechanisms with rigid links. The discussion is limited to mechanisms which obey the general degree-of-freedom equation, where F = degree of freedom of mechanism, l = number of links of mechanism, j = number of joints of mechanism, fi = degree of freedom of relative motion at ith joint, σ = summation symbol (summation over all joints), and λ = mobility number (the most common cases are λ = 3 for plane mechanisms and λ = 6 for spatial mechanisms). The kinematic structure of a mechanism refers to the identification of the joint connection between its links. Just as chemical compounds can be represented by an abstract formula and electric circuits by schematic diagrams, the kinematic structure of mechanisms can be usefully represented by abstract diagrams. The structure of mechanisms for which each joint connects two links can be represented by a structural diagram, or graph, in which links are denoted by vertices, joints by edges, and in which the edge connection of vertices corresponds to the joint connection of links; edges are labeled according to joint type, and the fixed link is identified as well. Thus the graph of the slider-crank mechanism of illustration a is as shown in illustration b. In this figure the circle around vertex 1 signifies that link 1 is fixed. Kinematics is divided into kinematic analysis (analysis of a mechanism of given dimensions) and synthesis (determination of the proportions of a mechanism for given motion requirements). It includes the investigation of finite as well as infinitesimal displacements, velocities, accelerations and higher accelerations, and curvatures and higher curvatures in plane and three-dimensional motions. The design of mechanisms involves many factors. These include their structure, kinematics, dynamics, stress analysis, materials, lubrication, wear, tolerances, production considerations, control and actuation, vibrations, critical speeds, reliability, costs, and environmental considerations. Modern trends in the design of mechanisms emphasize economical design analysis by means of computer-aided design techniques. mechanism1. a system or structure of moving parts that performs some function, esp in a machine 2. any form of mechanical device or any part of such a device 3. Philosophya. the doctrine that human action can be explained in purely physical terms, whether mechanical or biological b. the explanation of phenomena in causal rather than teleological or essentialist terms c. the view that the task of science is to seek such explanations d. strict determinism 4. Psychoanala. the ways in which psychological forces interact and operate b. a structure having an influence on the behaviour of a person, such as a defence mechanism mechanism
mechanism [mek´ah-nizm] 1. a machine or machinelike structure.2. the manner of combination of parts, processes, or other aspects that carry out a common function.3. the theory that the phenomena of life are based on the same physical and chemical laws that govern inorganic matter, as opposed to vitalism.coping m's conscious or unconscious strategies or mechanisms that a person uses to cope with stress or anxiety including turning to a comforting person for love and support, self-discipline, acting out or working off tension, talking and expressing feelings by crying or laughing, and also unconscious defense mechanisms, such as avoidance and rationalization.defense mechanism see defense mechanism.mech·a·nism (mek'ă-nizm), 1. An arrangement or grouping of the parts of anything that has a definite action. 2. The means by which an effect is obtained. 3. The chain of events in a particular process. 4. The detailed description of a reaction pathway. [G. mēchanē, a contrivance] mechanism Medspeak The manner by which a process occurs; the arrangement or association of the elements or parts of a thing in relation to the effect generated. Psychology The combination of mental processes by which an effect is generated.mechanism Medtalk The manner by which a process occurs; the arrangement or association of the elements or parts of a thing in relation to the effect generatedmech·a·nism (mek'ă-nizm) 1. An arrangement or grouping of the parts of anything that has a definite action. 2. The means by which an effect is obtained. 3. The chain of events in a particular process. 4. The detailed description of a reaction pathway. 5. biowarfare A device or part of one intended to release a biologic or chemical agent. [G. mēchanē, a contrivance]mech·a·nism (mek'ă-nizm) 1. Arrangement or grouping of parts of anything that has a definite action. 2. Means by which an effect is obtained. 3. Chain of events in a particular process. [G. mēchanē, a contrivance]Patient discussion about mechanismQ. How does an allergic response occur? I don’t understand the exact mechanism of allergies. Can someone explain this?A. In the early stages of allergy, a type I hypersensitivity reaction against an allergen, encountered for the first time, causes a response in a type of immune cell called a TH2 lymphocyte, that interact with other lymphocytes called B cells, whose role is production of antibodies. The secreted IgE antibody circulates in the blood and binds to an IgE-specific receptor (a kind of Fc receptor called FceRI) on the surface of other kinds of immune cells called mast cells and basophils, which are both involved in the acute inflammatory response. The IgE-coated cells, at this stage are sensitized to the allergen. If later exposure to the same allergen occurs, the allergen can bind to the IgE molecules held on the surface of the mast cells or basophils and cause a full reaction. More discussions about mechanismSee MECH See MECHmechanism Related to mechanism: Mechanism Of InjurySynonyms for mechanismnoun workingsSynonyms- workings
- motor
- gears
- works
- action
- components
- machinery
- innards
noun processSynonyms- process
- workings
- way
- means
- system
- performance
- operation
- medium
- agency
- method
- functioning
- technique
- procedure
- execution
- methodology
noun machineSynonyms- machine
- system
- structure
- device
- tool
- instrument
- appliance
- apparatus
- contrivance
Synonyms for mechanismnoun that by which something is accomplished or some end achievedSynonyms- agency
- agent
- instrument
- instrumentality
- instrumentation
- intermediary
- mean
- medium
- organ
Synonyms for mechanismnoun the atomic process that occurs during a chemical reactionSynonymsRelated Words- biochemical mechanism
- chemical action
- chemical change
- chemical process
noun the technical aspects of doing somethingSynonymsRelated Words- carrying into action
- carrying out
- execution
- performance
noun a natural object resembling a machine in structure or functionRelated Words- natural object
- barrier
- transmission mechanism
- biological clock
noun (philosophy) the philosophical theory that all phenomena can be explained in terms of physical or biological causesRelated Words- philosophy
- philosophical doctrine
- philosophical theory
noun device consisting of a piece of machineryRelated Words- action mechanism
- action
- actuator
- robot
- automaton
- golem
- axis of rotation
- axis
- carriage
- cartridge ejector
- ejector
- cartridge extractor
- cartridge remover
- extractor
- clockwork
- controller
- control
- cooling
- cooling system
- delayed action
- device
- drive
- drive line
- drive line system
- fail-safe
- film advance
- gear mechanism
- gear
- homing device
- hydraulic system
- ignition system
- ignition
- lock
- mechanical device
- radiator
- rotating mechanism
- steering linkage
- steering mechanism
- steering system
- tape drive
- tape transport
- transport
- whirler
- workings
- works