释义 |
mammal genus ThesaurusNoun | 1. mammal genus - a genus of mammals Craniata, subphylum Craniata, subphylum Vertebrata, Vertebrata - fishes; amphibians; reptiles; birds; mammalsgenus Tachyglossus, Tachyglossus - type genus of the family Tachyglossidaegenus Zaglossus, Zaglossus - a genus of Tachyglossidaegenus Ornithorhynchus, Ornithorhynchus - type genus of the family OrnithorhynchidaeDidelphis, genus Didelphis - type genus of the family DidelphidaeCaenolestes, genus Caenolestes - type genus of the family Caenolestidaegenus Macrotis, Macrotis - a genus of Peramelidaegenus Macropus, Macropus - type genus of the family Macropodidae: typical kangaroos and wallabiesgenus Lagorchestes, Lagorchestes - hare wallabiesgenus Onychogalea, Onychogalea - a genus of Macropodidaegenus Petrogale, Petrogale - rock wallabiesgenus Thylogale, Thylogale - pademelonsDendrolagus, genus Dendrolagus - tree wallabiesgenus Hypsiprymnodon, Hypsiprymnodon - musk kangaroosgenus Potorous, Potorous - potoroosBettongia, genus Bettongia - jerboa kangaroogenus Phalanger - type genus of the family Phalangeridae: cuscusesgenus Trichosurus, Trichosurus - a genus of Phalangeridaegenus Petaurus, Petaurus - a genus of PhalangeridaeAcrobates, genus Acrobates - a genus of Phalangeridaegenus Phascolarctos, Phascolarctos - koalasDasyurus, genus Dasyurus - type genus of the family Dasyuridae: native catsgenus Thylacinus, Thylacinus - Tasmanian wolfgenus Sarcophilus, Sarcophilus - Tasmanian devilgenus Phascogale, Phascogale - pouched micegenus Myrmecobius, Myrmecobius - banded anteatergenus Notoryctus, Notoryctus - type genus of the family Notoryctidae: comprising solely the marsupial moleCondylura, genus Condylura - star-nosed molesgenus Parascalops, Parascalops - brewer's molesChrysochloris, genus Chrysochloris - type genus of the Chrysochloridaegenus Uropsilus, Uropsilus - shrew molesgenus Neurotrichus, Neurotrichus - shrew molesgenus Sorex, Sorex - type genus of the family Soricidae: shrewsBlarina, genus Blarina - shrewsgenus Neomys, Neomys - a genus of SoricidaeCryptotis, genus Cryptotis - least shrewsErinaceus, genus Erinaceus - type genus of the family Erinaceidae: hedgehogsgenus Tenrec - type genus of the family Tenrecidae: tenrecsgenus Potamogale - type genus of the family Potamogalidae: otter shrewsBalaena, genus Balaena - type genus of the Balaenidae: Greenland whalesBalaenoptera, genus Balaenoptera - type genus of the Balaenopteridaegenus Megaptera, Megaptera - humpback whalesEschrichtius, genus Eschrichtius - type and sole genus of the Eschrichtiidaegenus Physeter, Physeter - type genus of the Physeteridaegenus Kogia, Kogia - pygmy sperm whalesgenus Hyperoodon, Hyperoodon - bottle-nosed whalesgenus Delphinus, Delphinus - type genus of the Delphinidaegenus Tursiops, Tursiops - a genus of Delphinidaegenus Phocoena, Phocoena - porpoisesgenus Grampus - grampusgenus Orcinus, Orcinus - killer whalesgenus Globicephala, Globicephala - pilot whalesgenus Monodon, Monodon - type genus of the MonodontidaeDelphinapterus, genus Delphinapterus - white whale |
mammal genus