释义 |
nemato- or nemat-pref. Thread; threadlike: nematocyst. [New Latin nēmato-, from Greek nēma, nēmat-, thread; see (s)nē- in Indo-European roots.]nemato- or before a vowel nemat-combining formindicating a threadlike form: nematocyst. [from Greek nēma thread]nemato- a combining form with the meaning “thread,” “threadlike organism, esp. a nematode”: nematocyst. Also, esp. before a vowel or h, nemat-. [comb. form representing Greek nēmat-, s. of nêma thread, yarn, that which is spun; see -o-] nemato-
nema- , nemat , nemato-Combining form meaning thread. [G. nēma]nemato- prefix denoting thread-like. |