Bier, August
Bier, August
Born Nov. 24, 1861, in Helsen, Waldeck; died Mar. 12, 1949, in Sauen, Brandenburg. One of the founders of German surgery.
Bier studied medicine in Berlin, Leipzig, and Kiel. In Kiel he worked under the famous surgeon F. Esmarch. From 1899 he was chief of the surgery subdepartment at Greifswald, and from 1904 he was chief of the surgery subdepartment in Bonn. From 1907 he was director of the Higher School of Physical Education in Berlin. He worked mainly on the problem of tuberculosis of the bone, hyperemia as a treatment during infectious processes, and research on the regeneration of tissue. Bier introduced an original method of osteoplastic amputation, with the creation of a supportive stump. He first made public (1901) a method of spinal anesthesia and developed the study of venous anesthesia (1909) and inflammation.
“Uber plastische Bildung tragfahiger Strumpfe nach Unterschenkelamputation.” Archiv für klinische Chirurgie, 1893, vol. 46.“Amputationen und Exartikulationen.” Sammlung klinischer Vortrage: Neue Folge, 1900, no. 264.
“Beobachtungen über Knochenregeneration.” Sammlung klinischer Vortrage: Neue Folge, 1913, vol. 10.
“Die konservative Behandlung der sogenannten chirurgischen Tuberculose.” Sammlung klinischer Vortrage: Neue Folge, 1921, vol. 116. Page 162.
lskusstvennaia giperemiia kak metod lecheniia. Yaroslavl, 1906. (Translated from German.)
Operativnaia khirurgiia, vols. 1–6. Leningrad, 1928–35 (coauthor). (Translated from German.)
Razumovskii, V. I. Alkogolizatsiia nervnykh stvolov kak metod lecheniia angioskleroticheskoi gangreny. Dnepropetrovsk, 1923.“Festschrift fur August Bier.” Archiv fiir klinische Chirurgie, 1921, vol. 118.
Klapp, R. “A. Bier.” Chirurgie, 1931, vol. 3. Page 953.