nuclear cardiology

nuclear cardiology

The use of nuclear imaging techniques for the non-invasive study of cardiovascular disease, as in myocardial perfusion imaging, planar imaging, SPECT (single-photon-emission computed tomography), and infarction imaging.

nuclear cardiology

Imaging The use of nuclear imaging techniques in the noninvasive study of cardiovascular disease–eg, myocardial perfusion imaging, planar imaging, SPECT–single-photon-emission computed tomography, infarction imaging. See First-pass myocardial infarction imaging, Myocardial perfusion imaging.

nuclear cardiology

A noninvasive method for studying cardiovascular disease by use of nuclear imaging techniques. These examinations are usually done while the individual is exercising. Coronary artery disease can be investigated as can damage to the myocardium following coronary infarction. The size and function of the ventricles can be evaluated using these techniques. See also: cardiology