Legionella pneumophila

Le·gion·el·la pneu·mo·'phi·la

a bacterial species that is the primary etiologic agent of Legionnaires disease; believed to grow in plumbing systems or in standing water in ventilation systems. The type species of the genus Legionella.

Le·gion·el·la pneu·mo·phi·la

(lē-jŏ-nela nū-mō-filă) Bacterial species that is the primary etiologic agent of Legionnaires' disease; believed to grow in plumbing systems or in standing water in ventilation systems. The type species of the genus Legionella.

Legionella pneumophila

A thin GRAM NEGATIVE rod organism that grows in a medium rich in iron and cysteine. It is the cause of LEGIONNAIRES' DISEASE.