(Manghit), Bukhara dynasty of khans from 1753 to 1920.
The Mangyts replaced the dynasty of Ashtarkhanids. Their dynasty began with the accession to the throne of Muhammad Rahim Bi, who ruled from 1753 to 1758 and took the title of emir. The best known members of the dynasty were Daniial-bai (1758-85), Shahmurad (1785-1800), Haidar (1800-26), Nasrulla Bahadir Khan (1826-60), and Musaffar al-din (1860-85). The Mangyt period of rule saw a successful struggle against feudal disintegration. The growing feudal oppression under the Mangyts led to a number of major popular uprisings: by the Khitan Kipchaks (1821-25), the artisans of Samarkand (1826), and the peasants (1885, 1888, 1889). Under Emir Musaffar aldin, the Bukhara khanate signed the treaty of 1868 and a supplemental treaty of 1873, which established a Russian protectorate over the khanate. The dynasty continued to exist until 1920, when it was overthrown by the popular revolution that proclaimed the Bukhara People’s Soviet Republic.
Istoriia Uzbekskoi SSR, vols. 1-3. Tashkent, 1967-68.Ivanov, P. P. Ocherki po istorii Srednei Azii (XVI-seredina XIX vv.) Moscow, 1958.