Medical Labor Commission of Experts

Medical Labor Commission of Experts


(VTEK), a medical commission that determines the existence, causes, and degree of disability, permanent or prolonged incapacitation, or substantial decrease in work capacity due to disease, anatomical defect, or other causes. VTEK’s systematically observe and check on the work capacity of disabled persons and take action to prevent disability. They are under the jurisdiction of the social security agencies. The commissions are created either on administrative-territorial (raion, city, oblast, and republic) or classification bases (general and specialized).

General VTEK’s consist of three physician-examiners—an internist, a neuropathologist, and a surgeon (one of whom is the chairman)—and representatives of the social security agencies and trade unions. Specialized VTEK’s (for tubercular and mental patients, persons with eye diseases and defects, and cancer patients) are formed in the appropriate clinics or large specialized departments of polyclinics and are made up of specialists. Referrals to a VTEK are usually made by a medical advisory commission after a patient has been hospitalized for some time (four or five months) or after a shorter period with stable disability.

The work of the commissions is regulated by the Statute on VTEK’s adopted by the councils of ministers of the Union republics, the All-Union Central Trade-Union Council, and the ministries of health and social security. Office, manual, and farm workers can be released from their jobs and, in accordance with state law, granted pensions after a VTEK certifies disability. The conclusions and work recommendations of a VTEK are binding on the administrators of indus-trial plants, institutions, sovkhozes, and kolkhozes. Disability evaluation is also known in capitalist countries with social insurance. Disability evaluation involves the determi-nation of the degree and causes of disability.


Batkis, G. A., and Lekarev, L. G. Teoriia i organizatsiia sovetskogo zdravookhraneniia. Moscow, 1961.
Osnovy vrachebno-trudovoi ekspertizy. Edited by A. F. Tret’iakov. Moscow, 1960.