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DictionarySeemaniamanic episode
episode [ep´ĭ-sōd] a single noteworthy happening in the course of a longer series of events, such as one critical period of several during a prolonged illness.hypomanic episode a period of elevated, expansive, or irritable mood similar to a manic episode but not as severe; see also bipolar disorders" >bipolar disorders and mood disorders.major depressive episode a period of daily and day-long depressed mood or loss of interest or pleasure in virtually all activities. Also present is some combination of altered appetite, weight, or sleep patterns, psychomotor agitation or retardation, difficulty thinking or concentrating, lack of energy and fatigue, feelings of worthlessness, self-reproach, or inappropriate guilt, recurrent thoughts of death or suicide, and plans or attempts to commit suicide. See also bipolar disorders" >bipolar disorders and mood disorders.manic episode a period of predominantly elevated, expansive, or irritable mood accompanied by some of the following symptoms: inflated self-esteem, decreased need for sleep, talkativeness, flight of ideas, distractibility, hyperactivity, hypersexuality, and recklessness. See also bipolar disorders" >bipolar disorders and mood disorders.mixed episode a period during which the criteria are met both for a major depressive episode and for a manic episode nearly every day, with rapidly alternating moods and with symptoms characteristic of each type of episode. See also bipolar disorders and " >bipolar disorders and mood disorders.man·ic ep·i··so·de1. a manifestation of major mood disorder involving enduring periods of persistent and significant elevated, expansive, or irritable mood, and associated symptoms including decreased sleep, psychomotor speeding, racing thoughts, flight of ideas, grandiosity, and poor judgment leading to behavior that may later be regretted. Synonym(s): mania2. a DSM construct with specified criteria. manic episode A manifestation of bipolar disorder which: • Is characterised by elevated, expansive or irritable mood, lasting for at least one week, which is severe enough to cause difficulty or impairment in occupational, social, educational or other important functioning; • Is not better explained by a mixed episode; • Is not attributable to abuse substances (e.g., alcohol or drugs) or medications with psychoactive effects; • Is not caused by a general medical condition.manic episode Psychiatry A period characterized by a persistently elevated, expansive, or irritable mood, with ↑ energy, ↓ sleep, distractibility, impaired judgement, grandiosity, flights of ideas, and so on, most often affecting Pts < age 25; MEs are seen in those with primary–idiopathic affective illness or bipolar I disorder, in which Pts vacillate between hypermania and abject depression. Manic Episode-criteria A A distinct period of abnormally or persistently elevated, expansive, or irritable mood of ≥ 1 week or less if hospitalization is required B During the period, ≥ 3 of following symptoms 1. Grandiosity or inflated self-esteem .2. ↓ Need for sleep .3. ↑ Talkativeness .4. Flight of ideas, or impression that thoughts are 'racing' .5. Distractibility .6. ↑ Goal-oriented activity–socially, work- or school-related or psychomotor agitation .7. Involvement in activities with potentially dire consequences, eg buying sprees, sexual indiscretions, inappropriate business transactions C Symptoms do NOT meet criteria of a mixed episode D The mood disturbance may markedly impair occupational or social function E Symptoms are unrelated to the direct physiological effects of a substance–of abuse, medication, or other therapy or to a general medical condition–eg hyperthyroidism DSM-IV™, American Psychiatric Association, Washington, DC, 1994 .man·ic ep·i·sode (man'ik ep'i-sōd) Manifestation of a major mood disorder in which there is a distinct period during which the predominant mood of the person is either elevated, expansive, or irritable, and there are associated symptoms of the excited or manic phase of the bipolar disorder. See: affective disorder, endogenous depressionPatient discussion about manic episodeQ. One of my friend`s son in the manic episode. I have seen people in manic episode to be happy. What could be the reason for their happiness. One of my friend`s son in the manic episode, is generally seen with high euphoria, but often he gets in to different episodes, where he seems to be happy but at the same time aggressive, which is a symptom of depression. Please clarify?A. Yes Waylon, all bipolar in manic episode are happy for no reasons. All Bipolar with depressions are depressed continuously with aggression and agitation. These two episodes of bipolars are at different poles, but a bipolar with mixed episodes is also found among some. Your friend’s son may also be in the mixed episode where bipolars have mania and depression as well at the same time. More discussions about manic episodeLegalSeeManiaFinancialSeeA |