Leningrad Electrical Engineering Institute of Communications
Leningrad Electrical Engineering Institute of Communications
(full name, Professor M. A. Bonch-Bruevich Leningrad Electrical Engineering Institute of Communications; LEIS), founded in 1930.
As of 1973 the institute had departments of automatic electrical communications, multichannel electrical communications, radio communications and broadcasting, radio engineering, and design and manufacture of radio equipment; evening and correspondence departments; advanced training courses; and a graduate school. There were 33 subdepartments, one special-problems laboratory, and 13 sectorial laboratories. There were about 750,000 volumes in the library.
LEIS has a branch in the form of a combination plant and higher technical school. In the 1972–73 academic year, about 10,000 students studied at the institute. There were more than 1,000 instructors and research, engineering, and technical workers, among them 29 professors and doctors of science and more than 300 docents and candidates of science. Among the prominent Soviet scientists who have taught at the institute are M. A. Bonch-Bruevich, A. L. Mints, A. A. Pistol’kors, B. A. Rozing, V. I. Siforov, V. V. Tatarinov, and P. V. Shmakov. The institute accepts candidate’s and doctoral dissertations for defense. It publishes Trudy LEIS (Transactions of LEIS; since 1933) and the interuniversity collection Trudy uchebnykh institutov sviazi (Transactions of Educational Institutions of Communications; since 1960); reports from scientific and engineering meetings are published annually. Since its founding the institute has trained more than 18,000 engineers.