释义 |
octa-(word root) eightExamples of words with the root octa-: octagonoct- or octa-pref. Variants of octo-.
octo- or octa- or oct-pref. Eight: octane. [Greek okta-, oktō- (from oktō) and Latin octō- (from octō); see oktō(u) in Indo-European roots.]octa- combining form a variant of octo- octa- a combining form meaning “eight”: octagon; octahedron. Also, octo-;esp. before a vowel, oct-.[< Greek, comb. form of oktṓ eight]
oct- , octi- , octo- , octa-Combining forms meaning eight. [G. oktō, L. octo]octa-, octo-, oct- [Gr. oktō, L. octo] Prefixes meaning eight. |