

单词 nai



(in Britain) abbreviation for (Law) nonaccidental injury




(nei), a wind instrument. (1) An Arab-Iranian end-blown flute with six to eight finger holes.

(2) An Uzbek and Tadzhik transverse flute with six finger holes. It has a diatonic scale, although chromatic notes can also be produced with special fingering and partial covering of the finger holes. Depending on the material from which it is made the nai is called agach-nai (wooden), garau-nai (bamboo), misnai (tin), and brindgzhi-nai (brass).

(3) Moldavian and Rumanian panpipes consisting of eight to 24 pipes of different length (on which the pitch depends) joined together to form a raft. They have a diatonic scale.


NAINetwork Advertising Initiative
NAINetherlands Architecture Institute
NAINordic Africa Institute
NAINew and Improved
NAISodium Iodide
NAINetwork Access Identifier (Wireless IP Network Architecture)
NAINASA Astrobiology Institute
NAINetwork Associates, Inc.
NAINo Adverse Impact (flood mitigation)
NAINorth American Indian (language)
NAINetwork Application Interface
NAINetwork Access Interrupt
NAINetwork Access Identifier
NAINetwork Associates Inc.
NAINorwegian Air International (Dublin, Ireland, UK)
NAINon-Accidental Injury (healthcare)
NAINamed Area of Interest
NAINotifiable Avian Influenza (surveillance system)
NAINo Action Indicated (US FDA)
NAINew Americans Initiative (various organizations)
NAINew Age Industrial (Morton, KS)
NAINew America International
NAINachrichten Aus Israel
NAINorth American Initiative
NAINational Aerospace Initiative
NAINational Associates, Inc.
NAINews America Incorporated (Delaware)
NAINew Africa Investments (South Africa)
NAINew Asia Industries (Vietnam)
NAINature of Address Indicator (SS7 SCCP)
NAINational Assessment Institute, Inc. (testing and certification service)
NAINo Advice Intended
NAINo Artificial Ingredients (book)
NAINürnberger Altersinventar
NAINetwork Application Integration
NAINacelle Anti-Ice (aviation)
NAINorthwest Avalanche Institute
NAINeutral Atom Imager
NAINATO Analog Interface (connects NATO analog signal equipment to the MSE/DGM network)
NAINic Augustus Investigations (Baltimore, MD)
NAINaval Ammunition Interchangeability
NAINorth American Inks
NAINuclear Accident or Incident
NAINational Account Index
NAINetwork Applications Incorporated
NAINetwork Access Index
NAINumber of Active Ingredients (pharmaceutical industry)
NAINeuraminidase Activity Inhibition
NAINo Airborne Intercept
NAINavy Action Item
NAINetwork Application Installer
NAINigerian Association Ireland (est. 2005)
NAINumerof and Associates, Inc. (Saint Louis, MO)




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