Leonid Vladimirovich Assur

Assur, Leonid Vladimirovich


Born 1878 in Rybinsk; died May 19, 1920. Russian scientist and mechanical engineer. In 1901 he graduated from Moscow State University and in 1906 completed the Moscow Higher Technical School. In 1910 he was chosen as a teacher at the St. Petersburg Polytechnical Institute, and in 1918 he became a professor at the Petrograd Forestry Institute.

Assur devised a rational classification of flat hinge mechanisms. He developed a method of forming flat mechanisms of any complexity by the sequential deposition of kinematic chains, which were named “Assur groups.” He proposed dividing mechanisms by families, classes, genera, orders, and so on.


Issledovanie ploskikh sterzhnevykh mekhanizmovs nizshimi parami s tochki zreniia ikh struktury i klassifikatsii. [Moscow,] 1952.


Zhukovskii, N. E. O mekhanizme L. V. Assura. Moscow, 1916.