military antishock trousers

pneu·mat·ic an·ti·shock gar·ment

(nū-mat'ik an'tē-shŏk gar'ment), An inflatable suit used to apply pressure to the peripheral circulation, thus reducing blood flow and fluid exudation into tissues to maintain central blood flow in the presence of shock. Synonym(s): military antishock trousers
A garment-like device placed around a patient’s legs and abdomen (it has 2 separate chambers) and inflated to provide emergency treatment of shock until more definitive therapy—e.g., volume replacement, transfusion, or surgery—can be performed

pneu·mat·ic an·ti·shock gar·ment

(nū-mat'ik an'tē-shock' gahr'mĕnt) An inflatable suit used to apply pressure to the peripheral circulation, thus reducing blood flow and fluid exudation into tissues, to maintain central blood flow in the presence of shock.
Synonym(s): military antishock trousers.