释义 |
bipenniform[bī′pen·ə‚fȯrm] (anatomy) Of the arrangement of muscle fibers, resembling a feather barbed on both sides. bipenniform
bipenniform [bi-pen´ĭ-form] doubly feather-shaped; said of muscles whose fibers are arranged on each side of a tendon like barbs on a feather shaft.bi·pen·nate , bipenniform (bī-pen'āt, pen'i-fōrm), Pertaining to a muscle with a central tendon toward which the fibers converge on either side like the barbs of a feather. [bi- + L. penna, feather] bi·pen·nate , bipenniform (bī-pen'āt, -pen'i-fōrm) Pertaining to a muscle with a central tendon toward which the fibers converge on either side like the barbs of a feather. [bi- + L. penna, feather] |