Oak Mountain State Park

Oak Mountain State Park

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / Alabama
Location:Just off I-65, 15 miles south of Birmingham in central Alabama.
Facilities:150 modern campsites, primitive campsites, comfort stations, campstore, 10 family cottages (é), meeting rooms, picnic areas, grouppavilions, playground, 50 miles of hiking, biking, and equestriantrails (é), horse stables, 18-hole golf course, pro shop and snack bar, demonstration farm.
Activities:Camping, boating (no gas motors), fishing, swimming, hiking, horseback riding, mountain biking, golf, nature programs.
Special Features:Oak Mountain is Alabama's largest park, with pine-studded ridges andlush green hardwood bottoms. The state's largest wildliferehabilitation center is located in the park, and more than 2,000injured and orphaned wild creatures are cared for there each year.Visitors may view the rehabilitation process through one way glass. Inaddition, the park's Treetop Nature Trail offers close-up views ofunreleasable hawks and owls in natural habitat enclosures (é). Theoldest continuously operating BMX track in the nation is also locatedat the park.
Address:200 Terrace Dr
PO Box 278
Pelham, AL 35124

Web: www.alapark.com/parks
Size: 9,940 acres.

See other parks in Alabama.