Acronym | Definition |
OTP➣One Time Password |
OTP➣Office of the Prosecutor (International Criminal Court; Netherlands) |
OTP➣One Time Programmable (electronics) |
OTP➣One Time Pad |
OTP➣One Time Payment (customer service) |
OTP➣On the Phone (chat) |
OTP➣Obligatorisk Tjenestepensjon (Norwegian: Mandatory Occupational Pension) |
OTP➣Office of the Premier (various locations) |
OTP➣On-Time Performance |
OTP➣Over Temperature Protection |
OTP➣One Touch Phone (smartphone) |
OTP➣on the Phone |
OTP➣Open Trading Protocol |
OTP➣One Time Programmable |
OTP➣Order Transaction Processing |
OTP➣One Time Payment |
OTP➣Opposite Track Path |
OTP➣On Track Plant (rail vehicle; UK) |
OTP➣Over the Phone |
OTP➣Operator Training Program (various organizations) |
OTP➣Open Telecom Platform |
OTP➣Opposite Track Path (DVD mastering system) |
OTP➣Online Team Play (gaming) |
OTP➣Outside the Perimeter (people living outside the I-285 perimeter of Atlanta, GA) |
OTP➣Open Trading Protocol (for purchasing) |
OTP➣Off the Page |
OTP➣Opioid Treatment Program |
OTP➣One Term President |
OTP➣One-Trick Pony (Paul Simon song/album) |
OTP➣Open Training Platform (various organizations) |
OTP➣Offender Treatment Program (various locations) |
OTP➣Offer to Purchase |
OTP➣Order to Pay |
OTP➣One True Pairing |
OTP➣Optical Transport Platform (various companies) |
OTP➣Orientation Training Program (various organizations) |
OTP➣Officers Training Program (various locations) |
OTP➣Office of Telecommunications Policy |
OTP➣Oregon Transportation Plan |
OTP➣Occupational Training Program (various organizations) |
OTP➣Oil Treatment Plant |
OTP➣Other Tobacco Product (taxation designation) |
OTP➣Bucharest, Romania - Otopeni (Airport Code) |
OTP➣Operations Test Plan (US NASA) |
OTP➣Owner's Title Policy (real estate) |
OTP➣Orlando Theatre Project (Orlando, FL) |
OTP➣Outpatient Treatment Program |
OTP➣Outdoor Therapeutic Program |
OTP➣Odznaka Turystyki Pieszej (Polish PTTK badge) |
OTP➣Olympic Transport Plan (UK) |
OTP➣Ore Transport Permit (Department of Environment and Natural Resources; Philippines) |
OTP➣Operational Test Piece |
OTP➣On the Piss |
OTP➣Outline Test Plan |
OTP➣Other Transfer Payment (various organizations) |
OTP➣Operational Test Plan |
OTP➣On the Pause |
OTP➣Operational Test Procedure |
OTP➣Országos Takarék Pénztár (Hungarian: General Saving Bank) |
OTP➣One True Pair/Pairing (fan fiction, erotica) |
OTP➣Overtime Personnel |
OTP➣Openland Tree-Planting |
OTP➣One Team Partner |
OTP➣Other Theater Project (Cleveland, Ohio) |
OTP➣Orbital Time Processor |
OTP➣Other Trustworthy Person (PEZ collectors) |
OTP➣Operating & Transition Plan |
OTP➣Optional Time Period |
OTP➣Optical Technology Project |
OTP➣Oh, the Profanity! (blog) |
OTP➣Operational Trial Period |
OTP➣Operations Training Package |
OTP➣Off the Pigs (band) |