

单词 letter of the alphabet

letter of the alphabet

Noun1.letter of the alphabet - the conventional characters of the alphabet used to represent speechletter of the alphabet - the conventional characters of the alphabet used to represent speech; "his grandmother taught him his letters"alphabetic character, letterspelling - forming words with letters according to the principles underlying accepted usagealphabet - a character set that includes letters and is used to write a languagegrapheme, graphic symbol, character - a written symbol that is used to represent speech; "the Greek alphabet has 24 characters"ascender - a lowercase letter that has a part extending above other lowercase lettersdescender - a lowercase letter that has a part extending below other lowercase lettersdigram, digraph - two successive letters (especially two letters used to represent a single sound: `sh' in `shoe')initial - the first letter of a word (especially a person's name); "he refused to put the initials FRS after his name"a - the 1st letter of the Roman alphabetb - the 2nd letter of the Roman alphabetc - the 3rd letter of the Roman alphabetd - the 4th letter of the Roman alphabete - the 5th letter of the Roman alphabetf - the 6th letter of the Roman alphabetg - the 7th letter of the Roman alphabeth - the 8th letter of the Roman alphabeti - the 9th letter of the Roman alphabetj - the 10th letter of the Roman alphabetk - the 11th letter of the Roman alphabetl - the 12th letter of the Roman alphabetm - the 13th letter of the Roman alphabetn - the 14th letter of the Roman alphabeto - the 15th letter of the Roman alphabetp - the 16th letter of the Roman alphabetq - the 17th letter of the Roman alphabetr - the 18th letter of the Roman alphabets - the 19th letter of the Roman alphabett - the 20th letter of the Roman alphabetu - the 21st letter of the Roman alphabetv - the 22nd letter of the Roman alphabetdouble-u, w - the 23rd letter of the Roman alphabetx, ex - the 24th letter of the Roman alphabetwye, y - the 25th letter of the Roman alphabetezed, izzard, zed, zee, z - the 26th letter of the Roman alphabet; "the British call Z zed and the Scots call it ezed but Americans call it zee"; "he doesn't know A from izzard"alpha - the 1st letter of the Greek alphabetbeta - the 2nd letter of the Greek alphabetgamma - the 3rd letter of the Greek alphabetdelta - the 4th letter of the Greek alphabetepsilon - the 5th letter of the Greek alphabetzeta - the 6th letter of the Greek alphabeteta - the 7th letter of the Greek alphabettheta - the 8th letter of the Greek alphabetiota - the 9th letter of the Greek alphabetkappa - the 10th letter of the Greek alphabetlambda - the 11th letter of the Greek alphabetmu - the 12th letter of the Greek alphabetnu - the 13th letter of the Greek alphabetxi - the 14th letter of the Greek alphabetomicron - the 15th letter of the Greek alphabetpi - the 16th letter of the Greek alphabetrho - the 17th letter of the Greek alphabetsigma - the 18th letter of the Greek alphabettau - the 19th letter of the Greek alphabetupsilon - the 20th letter of the Greek alphabetphi - the 21st letter of the Greek alphabetkhi, chi - the 22nd letter of the Greek alphabetpsi - the 23rd letter of the Greek alphabetomega - the last (24th) letter of the Greek alphabetaleph - the 1st letter of the Hebrew alphabetbeth - the 2nd letter of the Hebrew alphabetgimel - the 3rd letter of the Hebrew alphabetdaleth - the 4th letter of the Hebrew alphabethe - the 5th letter of the Hebrew alphabetwaw - the 6th letter of the Hebrew alphabetzayin - the 7th letter of the Hebrew alphabetheth - the 8th letter of the Hebrew alphabetteth - the 9th letter of the Hebrew alphabetyodh - the 10th letter of the Hebrew alphabetkaph - the 11th letter of the Hebrew alphabetlamedh - the 12th letter of the Hebrew alphabetmem - the 13th letter of the Hebrew alphabetnun - the 14th letter of the Hebrew alphabetsamekh - the 15th letter of the Hebrew alphabetayin - the 16th letter of the Hebrew alphabetpe - the 17th letter of the Hebrew alphabetsadhe - the 18th letter of the Hebrew alphabetqoph - the 19th letter of the Hebrew alphabet

letter of the alphabet

  • noun

Synonyms for letter of the alphabet

noun the conventional characters of the alphabet used to represent speech


  • alphabetic character
  • letter

Related Words

  • spelling
  • alphabet
  • grapheme
  • graphic symbol
  • character
  • ascender
  • descender
  • digram
  • digraph
  • initial
  • a
  • b
  • c
  • d
  • e
  • f
  • g
  • h
  • i
  • j
  • k
  • l
  • m
  • n
  • o
  • p
  • q
  • r
  • s
  • t
  • u
  • v
  • double-u
  • w
  • x
  • ex
  • wye
  • y
  • ezed
  • izzard
  • zed
  • zee
  • z
  • alpha
  • beta
  • gamma
  • delta
  • epsilon
  • zeta
  • eta
  • theta
  • iota
  • kappa
  • lambda
  • mu
  • nu
  • xi
  • omicron
  • pi
  • rho
  • sigma
  • tau
  • upsilon
  • phi
  • khi
  • chi
  • psi
  • omega
  • aleph
  • beth
  • gimel
  • daleth
  • he
  • waw
  • zayin
  • heth
  • teth
  • yodh
  • kaph
  • lamedh
  • mem
  • nun
  • samekh
  • ayin
  • pe
  • sadhe
  • qoph
  • resh
  • sin
  • shin
  • taw
  • polyphone
  • polyphonic letter
  • block capital
  • block letter
  • vowel
  • consonant




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