

 [lev″ahr-tĕ-re´nol] the levorotatory form of norepinephrine, a much more potent pressor agent than the natural dextrorotatory isomer.

nor·ep·i·neph·rine (NE),

(nōr'ep-i-nef'rin), A catecholamine hormone the natural form of which is d, although the l form has some activity; the base is considered to be the postganglionic adrenergic mediator, acting on α and β receptors; it is stored in chromaffin granules in the adrenal medulla in much smaller amounts than epinephrine and secreted in response to hypotension and physical stress; in contrast to epinephrine it has little effect on bronchial smooth muscle, metabolic processes, and cardiac output, but has strong vasoconstrictive effects and is used pharmacologically as a vasopressor, primarily as the bitartrate salt. Synonym(s): levarterenol, noradrenaline