Levene, Ricardo
Levene, Ricardo
Born Feb. 7, 1885, in Buenos Aires; died there Mar. 13, 1959. Argentinian historian and lawyer. Professor at the University of Buenos Aires and the National University of La Plata. A member of the National Academy of Law and Social Sciences. A member of the National Academy of History and its president for many years. Author of a number of basic studies.
Levene viewed the political history of the country in isolation from its economic and class basis. His conceptions essentially coincided with the views of V. F. Lopez and B. Mitre, the forefathers of the liberal positivist school. He evaluated the dictatorial regime of J. M. Rosas (1829–52) in negative terms and condemned the expansionist aspirations of foreign powers in La Plata. His works contain valuable factual material.
Historia de la nación Argentina, vols. 1–10. Buenos Aires [1936–50].Historia del derecho argentino, vols. 1–8. Buenos Aires, 1945–54.
La anarquia de 1820 y la initiación de la vida p ú blica de Rosas. Buenos Aires, 1954.