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MIM number MIM num·berthe catalogue assignment for a mendelian trait in the MIM system. If the initial digit is 1, the trait is deemed autosomal dominant; if 2, autosomal recessive; if 3, X-linked. Wherever a trait defined in this dictionary has a MIM number, the number from the 12th edition of MIM, is given in square brackets with or without an asterisk (asterisks indicate that the mode of inheritance is known; a number symbol (#) before an entry number means that the phenotype can be caused by mutation in any of two or more genes) as appropriate for example, Pelizaeus-Merzbacher disease [MIM*169500] is a well-established, autosomal, dominant, mendelian disorder.MIM number A numerical assignment for inherited diseases, genes and functional segments of DNA, as listed in the comprehensive catalog Mendelian Inheritance in Man (created and maintained by Victor McKusick of Johns Hopkins Medical Center, Baltimore, until his passing in 2008).MIM number A numerical assignment for inherited diseases, genes and functional segments of DNA listed in the comprehensive catalog, Mendelian Inheritance in Man, begun and maintained by Victor McKusick. See OMIM. MIM num·ber (mim nŭm'bĕr) The catalogue assignment for a mendelian trait in the Mendelian Inheritance in Man (MIM) system. If the initial digit is 1, the trait is deemed autosomal dominant; if 2, autosomal recessive; if 3, then X-linked. |