Košice Program
Košice Program
the program of the first government of the National Front of Czechs and Slovaks, drawn up by the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia and proclaimed on Apr. 5, 1945, in Košice. It stated that Czechoslovakia was to develop as a people’s democratic state of two peoples, the Czechs and Slovaks, with equal rights and that the question of the Transcarpathian Ukraine was to be resolved according to the will of the inhabitants of the region. The program provided for the establishment of local governments (national committees elected by the people), the granting of broad democratic freedoms to the working people, the trial of persons who collaborated with the invaders, and the prohibition of fascist and profascist parties. Under the Koššice program the national government was to undertake management of the large property holdings of Germans and Hungarians and of collaborators and to allot land to peas-ants with little or no land. In foreign policy, the Košice program called for a firm alliance and cooperation with the USSR in the military, political, economic, and cultural spheres.
Program první česKoslovenské vlády Národni frontu Čechů a Slováků. Prague, 1955.A. I. NEDOREZOV