Acronym | Definition |
NAPP➣National Association of Photoshop Professionals |
NAPP➣National Association of Patent Practitioners (Williamsburg, VA) |
NAPP➣National Aerial Photography Program (USGS) |
NAPP➣National Association for Patient Participation (UK) |
NAPP➣Neighborhood Adult Participation Project (Office of Economic Opportunity; California) |
NAPP➣Sodium Pyrophosphate |
NAPP➣National Association of Philanthropic Planners (now International Association of Advisors in Philanthropy) |
NAPP➣Naval Aviation Preparatory Program (US Navy) |
NAPP➣Nerve Agent Pyridostigmine Pretreatment |
NAPP➣National Association of Peer Programs |
NAPP➣National Association of Priest Pilots |
NAPP➣Non-Agricultural Pesticides Panel (United Kingdom) |
NAPP➣Negative Acknowledgement with Periodic Polling (networking protocol) |
NAPP➣National Association of Patient Practitioners |