NAPPNational Association of Photoshop Professionals
NAPPNational Association of Patent Practitioners (Williamsburg, VA)
NAPPNational Aerial Photography Program (USGS)
NAPPNational Association for Patient Participation (UK)
NAPPNeighborhood Adult Participation Project (Office of Economic Opportunity; California)
NAPPSodium Pyrophosphate
NAPPNational Association of Philanthropic Planners (now International Association of Advisors in Philanthropy)
NAPPNaval Aviation Preparatory Program (US Navy)
NAPPNerve Agent Pyridostigmine Pretreatment
NAPPNational Association of Peer Programs
NAPPNational Association of Priest Pilots
NAPPNon-Agricultural Pesticides Panel (United Kingdom)
NAPPNegative Acknowledgement with Periodic Polling (networking protocol)
NAPPNational Association of Patient Practitioners