Acronym | Definition |
LHD➣Left Hand Drive |
LHD➣Amphibious Assault Ship (Multipurpose) |
LHD➣Local Health Department |
LHD➣Left Heart Disease (pulmonary hypertension) |
LHD➣Lexus Hybrid Drive |
LHD➣Multipurpose Amphibious Assault Ship |
LHD➣Load-Haul-Dump (underground mining vehicle) |
LHD➣Lexus Hybrid Drive (cars) |
LHD➣Landing Helicopter Dock |
LHD➣Life, Health and Disability (insurance) |
LHD➣Large Height Deviation (aviation) |
LHD➣Left Hand Dominant |
LHD➣Left-Handers Day |
LHD➣Linear Heat Detector |
LHD➣Litterarum Humaniorum Doctor (Doctor of Human Letters) |
LHD➣Large Helical Device project |
LHD➣Landing Helicopter Dock Ship |
LHD➣Linear High Density |
LHD➣Left Hip Disarticulation |
LHD➣Leadership and Human Development |
LHD➣Lightweight Helmet Development |
LHD➣Low Harmonic Distortion |