Krasnoiarsk Sheep

Krasnoiarsk Sheep


a breed of fine-fleeced sheep which was developed in the kolkhozes and sovkhozes of southern Krasnoiarsk Krai. Local merino sheep and hybrids of fine-and coarsefleeced sheep were crossbred with Precos, Rambouillet, and Askania rams to produce the Krasnoiarsk breed, which was officially recognized in 1963.

There are two types of Krasnoiarsk sheep: the Uchuma, which is raised primarily for meat, and the Khakass, which is raised for wool. Uchuma rams weigh 105–115 kg, and Khakass rams, 90–95 kg (the ewes weigh 53–56 kg and 50–55 kg, respectively). A clip of wool from a ram of either type yields 10–12 kg; from an Uchuma ewe, 4–4.8 kg; and from a Khakass ewe, 5.0–5.6 kg. Most of the wool is rated 64. The yield of pure wool is approximately 50 percent. Every 100 ewes produce 120–130 lambs. Krasnoiarsk sheep are raised in Krasnoiarsk Krai, RSFSR.