Krautheimer, Richard

Krautheimer, Richard

(krout`hīmər), 1897–94, American art historian, b. Germany. In 1935, Krautheimer began teaching in American universities, becoming professor of fine arts at New York Univ. in 1952. He was an authority on Christian and Byzantine architecture, compiler of The Early Christian Basilicas of Rome (1937) and author of Early Christian and Byzantine Architecture (1965). His biography of Lorenzo Ghiberti (1956) and his Studies in Early Christian, Medieval, and Renaissance Art (1969) were widely acclaimed.

Krautheimer, Richard

(1897–1994) architectural historian; born in Fuerth, Germany. A specialist in early Christian and medieval architecture who later turned to the baroque period, he was an early exponent of architectural iconography. His works include Corpus Basilicarum Christianarum Romae (1937–70). He taught at Vassar College (1937–52) and the Institute of Fine Arts, New York University (1952).