Krolikovodstvo I Zverovodstvo
Krolikovodstvo I Zverovodstvo
(Rabbit Breeding and Fur Farming), a popular and professional journal of the Ministry of Agriculture of the USSR. Published in Moscow six times a year. The journal was established in 1910; from 1910 to 1915 it was known as Vestnik Krolikovoda (Rabbit Breeders’ Bulletin); from 1929 to 1941 it was published under various names and dealt with breeding rabbits and fur-bearing animals; from 1948 to 1957 it was called Karakulevodstvo i zverovodstvo (Astrakhan Breeding and Fur Farming), and in 1958 it received its present title. The journal is intended for specialists in rabbit breeding and fur farming, employees of scientific establishments, students in the animal husbandry departments of higher education institutions and secondary schools, and amateur rabbit breeders. Circulation, 92,000 copies (1972).