

(môNtärzhē`), town (1990 pop. 16,570), Loiret dept., N central France, in Orléanais, near the Montargis Forest. Its manufactures include machinery, electrical equipment, and other light industrial products. Ceded (1188) by the house of Courtenay to the crown, it was (14th and 15th cent.) a royal residence. The town retains a medieval aspect. The younger Mirabeau was born at the nearby castle of Bignon. For the story of the Dog of Montargis, see Aubry de MontdidierAubry de Montdidier
, in French legend, a French courtier of King Charles V, murdered c.1371 near Montargis by one Macaire. The animosity of Aubry's dog toward Macaire was so great that the king ordered trial by combat between the dog and Macaire, armed with a cudgel.
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