Bethesda unit

Be·thes·da u·nit

a measure of inhibitor activity: the amount of inhibitor that will inactivate 50% or 0.5 unit of a coagulation factor during the incubation period. [Bethesda, MD]

Bethesda Unit

A unit for measuring coagulation factor-VIII inhibitory activity in plasma. 1.0 BU reduces factor VIII in 1 ml of plasma from 1.0 to 0.5 units; BUs are measured when factor VIII-dependent haemophiliacs become refractory to F8 therapy, which is caused by a circulating inhibitor or an factor-VIII antibody.
See Factor VIII, Factor VIII resistance.

Be·thes·da u·nit

(bĕ-thez'dă yū'nit) A measure of inhibitor activity: the amount of inhibitor that will inactivate 50% or 0.5 unit of a coagulation factor during the incubation period. [Bethesda, MD]


city in Maryland. Bethesda system - classification system for cervical Papanicolaou smears; originated in Bethesda, Maryland.Bethesda unit - measure of inhibitor activity; originated in Bethesda, Maryland.