Kuchino Jubilee Chickens
Kuchino Jubilee Chickens
a breed group of chickens raised for meat and eggs at the Kuchino Breeding Farm in Moscow Oblast, obtained by crossing White Plymouth Rocks, New Hampshires, Rhode Island Reds, Australorps, and Leghorns with Livny chickens. The hens have yellowish plumage, with dark spots on their heads; the end of the tail is black. Roosters have a reddish crest and back; the breast and tail are black. The roosters weigh 3.8 kg (maximum, up to 5 kg); the hens weigh 3 kg (maximum, 4 kg). Chicks obtained by crossing Kuchino Jubilees with other breeds and raised for meat reach a weight of 1.4–1.5 kg by 65 to 70 days of age. The average productivity of a hen is 180 eggs or more per year, with the better hens laying up to 300; the eggs weigh 60–65 g. Kuchino Jubilee chickens are raised in various regions of the USSR.