Acronym | Definition |
LTD➣Limited |
LTD➣Private Limited Company |
LTD➣Last Trading Day |
LTD➣Living the Dream |
LTD➣Long Term Debt (accounting/finance) |
LTD➣Lane Transit District (Eugene/Springfield, OR bus system) |
LTD➣Long Term Disability (insurance) |
LTD➣Learning through Discovery |
LTD➣Long-Term Depression |
LTD➣Lift-to-Drag (aviation ratio) |
LTD➣Left to Do |
LTD➣Low-Temperature Drying |
LTD➣Learning Technology Development (various locations) |
LTD➣LingvoSoft Talking Dictionary (software) |
LTD➣Logical Topology Design |
LTD➣Life to Date |
LTD➣Local Test Desk |
LTD➣Local Telecommunications Division |
LTD➣Logic Technology Development (Intel) |
LTD➣Lembaga Teknis Daerah (Indonesian: Regional Technical Institute) |
LTD➣Leadership Team Development |
LTD➣Long Term Dynamics |
LTD➣Long-Term Desensitization (physiology) |
LTD➣Lecture Theatre D (various locations) |
LTD➣Low Threshold Detection |
LTD➣Laser Target Designator |
LTD➣Love to Death |
LTD➣Low Temperature Differential (Stirling engine) |
LTD➣Local Telecommunications Division (Sprint) |
LTD➣Letter to Doctor |
LTD➣Local Telephone Division |
LTD➣Light Toned Deposit (planetary science) |
LTD➣Log Total Depth (energy measurement) |
LTD➣Linear Transformer Driver |
LTD➣Live Test Demonstration |
LTD➣Logan Transit District |
LTD➣Love Togetherness and Devotion (band) |
LTD➣Leave and Transit Depot (Australia) |
LTD➣Learning Technologies Division |
LTD➣Linguistique Théorique et Descriptive (French: Theoretical and Descriptive Linguistics) |
LTD➣Land Treatment Demonstration |
LTD➣Language Training Detachment |
LTD➣Limiting Throughput Distribution |
LTD➣Logistics Technical Documentation/Data |
LTD➣Lincoln Traditional Design (automobile) |
LTD➣Local Transfer Directives |
LTD➣Learnable, Teachable, Duplicatable |