Kursteiner canals

Kür·stei·ner ca·nals

(kēr'stīn-ĕr), a fetal complex of vesicular, canalicular, and glandlike structures derived from parathyroid, thymus, or thymic cord; they are rudimentary and functionless unless persistent postnatally, when they may occur as cystic structures in the vicinity of parathyroid III and thymus III. Kürsteiner described three types, type II canals are associated with thyroaplasia.

Kür·stei·ner canals

(kēr-shtīn'ĕr kă-nalz') A fetal complex of vesicular, canalicular, and glandlike structures derived from parathyroid or thymus; normally remain rudimentary but may persist postnatally as cystic structures.


(Kuersteiner), W., 19th century German anatomist. Kürsteiner canals - a fetal complex of vesicular, canalicular, and glandlike structures derived from parathyroid, thymus, or thymic cord.